Configuring- Understanding values.yaml

Following table describes configuration parameters listed in values.yamlfile in Helm charts and are used to complete installation. Use the following steps to complete this action:
  • Specify parameters that need to be overridden using the --set key=value[,key=value] argument at Helm install.
    helm install <release-name> \
    --set service.externalIP= \
  • Alternatively, provide a YAML file with values specified for these parameters when you install a Chart. Create a copy of values.yaml file such as, my-values.yaml and edit the values that you would like to override. Use the my-values.yaml file for installation.
    helm install <release-name> -f my-values.yaml ... ibm-seas-1.1.x.tgz
Parameter Description Default Value
licenseType Specify prod or non-prod for production or non-production license type respectively non-prod
license License agreement. Set true to accept the license. false
image.repository Image full name including repository
image.tag Image tag
digest.enabled Enable/disable digest to be used for image false
digest.value The digest value for the image. sha256:3136b28661466e9a267eff2558837ff4e20966da617dbe61d1bbc2d3b2fd2597
image.imageSecrets Image pull secrets
image.pullPolicy Image pull policy IfNotPresent
storageSecurity.supplementalGroupId Group ID for Supplemental group  
seasArgs.maxHeapSize JVM heap size - don't set more than container limit resource memory 1024m
persistentVolume.enabled To use persistent volume true
persistentVolume.useDynamicProvisioning To use storage classes to dynamically create PV false
persistentVolume.existingClaimName Provide name of existing PV claim to be used  
persistentVolume.storageClassName Storage class of the PVC manual
persistentVolume.size Size of PVC volume 2Gi
persistentVolume.labelName PV label key to bind this PVC
persistentVolume.labelValue PV label value to bind this PVC ibm-seas-pv
persistentVolume.accessMode Persistent volume access mode ReadWriteOnce
service.type Kubernetes service type exposing ports LoadBalancer
service.loadBalancerIP Provide the LoadBalancer IP  
service.annotations Provide the annotations for service  
service.externalTrafficPolicy Provide the external traffic Policy  
service.sessionAffinity Provide the session affinity ClientIP Secure service port - Secure application is accessed by using this service port, so add port as per the requirement 61366 Secure container port - If traditional secure port is different from 61366 while migrating from traditional to container environment then in this case we need to change container port as traditional secure port value else It is not required to change the container port value 61366
service.nonSecure.servicePort Non-Secure service port - Non Secure application is accessed by using this service port, so add port as per the requirement. 61365
service.nonSecure.containerPort Non-Secure container port - If traditional Non Secure port is different from 61365 while migrating from traditional to container environment then in this case we need to change container port as traditional Non Secure port value else It is not required to change the container port value 61365
service.jetty.servicePort Jetty service port - Jetty(EA_GUI.jnlp) application is accessed by using this service port, so add port as per the requirement 9080
service.jetty.containerPort Jetty container port - If traditional jetty port is different from 9080 while migrating from traditional to container environment then in this case we need to change container port as traditional jetty port value else It is not required to change the container port value. 9080
service.externalIP External IP for service discovery - External IP to access application outside the cluster.
secret.secretName Secret name for Seas
resources.limits.cpu Container CPU limit 1000m
resources.limits.memory Container memory limit 1Gi
resources.requests.cpu Container CPU requested 1000m
resources.requests.memory Container Memory requested 1Gi

Enable/disable service account creation

true - Manage by helm chart

false - Manage by deployment user

If you are changing from true to false then in this case you need to provide service account name.

It is recommended to use true value.

true Name of Service Account to use for container
affinity.nodeAffinity.required DuringSchedulingIgnoredDuring Execution k8sPodSpec.nodeAffinity.require d DuringSchedulingIgnoredDuring Execution
affinity.nodeAffinity.preferred DuringSchedulingIgnoredDuring Execution k8sPodSpec.nodeAffinity.preferr ed DuringSchedulingIgnoredDuring Execution
affinity.podAffinity.required DuringSchedulingIgnoredDuring Execution k8s PodSpec.podAntiAffinity. requiredDuringSchedulingIgnore d
affinity.podAffinity.preferred DuringSchedulingIgnoredDuring Execution k8sPodSpec.podAntiAffinity. preferredDuringScheduling IgnoredDuringExecution
affinity.podAntiAffinity.required DuringSchedulingIgnoredDuring Execution k8sPodSpec.podAntiAffinity. requiredDuringSchedulingIgnore d
affinity.podAntiAffinity.preferred DuringSchedulingIgnoredDuring Execution k8sPodSpec.podAntiAffinity. preferredDuringSchedulingIgnor ed DuringExecution
livenessProbe.initialDelaySecond s Initial delay for liveness 200
livenessProbe.timeoutSeconds Timeout for liveness 30
livenessProbe.periodSeconds Time period for liveness 60
livenessProbe.failureThreshold Failure threshold for liveness 10
readinessProbe.initialDelaySecon ds Initial delays for readiness 190
readinessProbe.timeoutSeconds Timeout for readiness 5
readinessProbe.periodSeconds Time period for readiness 60
readinessProbe.failureThreshold Failure threshold for readiness 10
route.enabled Route for OpenShift Enabled/ Disabled false
route.dashboard Monitor Dashboard Enabled/Disabled false
customProperties Customize the properties files – The following files can be customized using key value pair in the list format:
Add/Update: Key and Value both must be provided in the below format: <File Name Without Extension>_<Property Name>=<Property Value>
vmArguments Provide the VM arguments – Add/Update VM arguments in the list format:<Key as Java property name>=<value>
customFiles Map the custom directories/files – The custom directories/files can be mapped using the list format. For mapping, we need to provide full path of the file or directory. First, we need to create the directory with 'SEAS_RESOURCES' name if it is not available into PV and keep the custom directories/files into created directory.
networkPolicy Configure network policy  


The chart provides ways in form of node affinity, pod affinity and pod anti-affinity to configure advance pod scheduling in Kubernetes. See, Kubernetes documentation for details