What's new in Version 3.3

These new and enhanced capabilities are available in z/OS® Explorer Version 3.3.

Table 1. New and enhanced functions in V3.3.4
Function Description
Added an option in server configuration to allow disabling the default Active Jobs filter under the JES subsystem in the client. You can configure the server by specifying the new environment variable _RSE_JES_DISABLE_ACTIVE_JOBS_FILTER=TRUE in the RSE configuration file (rse.env) to disable the default Active Jobs Filter under the JES subsystem in the client.
Added support for using the combination of a user variable and string in the Job owner and Job name prefix field when creating new job filter. When you create a new Job Filter under the JES subsystem, you can specify the Job owner and Job name prefix field by using the combination of a user variable &USERID. and a constant string in the New Job Filter dialog.
Added support for customizing default file open mode for MVS™ filters. When editing MVS files under a particular filter, you can customize the default open mode (open, browse, or view) for the files.
Added UNIX support for editing files in IBM®-1390 and IBM-1399 in text mode. When editing a z/OS UNIX file, you can now convert the encoding to a Japanese Code Page of IBM-1390 or IBM-1399 via the Properties page of the z/OS UNIX file. This can only be done in text mode.
Enabled the drag and drop, copy and paste functionality for exporting job spool to local, UNIX, and MVS file system. You can select the job spool under the JES subsystem to drag and drop it to the target location under the local, UNIX, or MVS file system. Alternatively, you can copy the specific job spool and paste it to the target location under the local, UNIX, or MVS file system.
Table 2. New and enhanced functions in V3.3.3
Function Description
Host support for Java™ 17.0.7 and higher versions (on z/OS V2R5 and higher) Java 17.0.7 and higher versions (on z/OS V2R5 and higher) are supported. For more information, see rse.env, the RSE configuration file.
Host support for SAF JWT generation and validation (on z/OS V2R4 and higher) SAF JWT generation and validation (on z/OS V2R4 and higher) is supported. For more information, see rse.env, the RSE configuration file.

The client API com.ibm.ftt.configurations.subsystem.ConfigurationsSubSystem.getJWTResource() can be used to get the SAF JWT generated by the host.

Support of double-clicking to open a command shell You can now double-click on z/OS UNIX shells or TSO commands to start a command shell.
Table 3. New and enhanced functions in V3.3.2
Function Description
Added a new JVM property option include.info.msg in the rse.env configuration file. The ACF2 informational ACF0C038 message from a TSO logon session is now filtered out from the TSO command execution result by default to avoid being processed as errors. Set the property to true to include the message as-is in the command execution result. For more information, see rse.env, the RSE configuration file.
Added a warning message when the user password is close to expiration. When the user's password is going to expire after 10 days, a warning message is displayed on the Eclipse status bar after a z/OS RSE connection is created.
Added an error message when users try to open a file in a manner that isn't allowed based on the file type. When users try to open files (that is VSAM data sets) in an invalid manner, they will now be notified by an error message.
Migrated change password from IDz to z/OS Explorer. For IDz users, this won’t appear to be a change. However, z/OS Explorer users now have a menu item on the z/OS RSE connection to change their passwords.
Enhanced the Job Output Retrieval dialog in z/OS Explorer client. You can use the enhanced Job Output Retrieval dialog to retrieve job records in any range from the large job spool.
Enhanced the Job Action Confirmation dialog in z/OS Explorer client. You can use the enhanced Job Action Confirmation dialog to review and confirm the job action on the selected jobs that you don't own at once.
VSAM alt index and path information can be displayed. The Properties view of a VSAM cluster data set will show its alternate index and path information.
Table 4. New and enhanced functions in V3.3.1
Function Description
Added job actions for release, hold, cancel, and purge to the JES Spool viewer. For more information, see Monitoring jobs with the JES Subsystem.
Table 5. New and enhanced functions from V3.3.0 to V3.3.0.1
Function Description
Added a new variable RSE_DSN_SEARCH_REGEX to the RSE configuration file. You can use this variable to restrict data set names for MVS search. For more information, see rse.env, the RSE configuration file.
Added ATTLS support for user and password as well as client-cert authentication. For more information, see Control encrypted communication in ssl.properties.
Added support for MVS Files host encoding preferences setting. You can now set up host encoding preferences for MVS Files. For more information, see Setting up host encoding preferences for MVS Files.