What's new in Engineering and Scientific Subroutine Library (ESSL) Version 6.2

Read about new or significantly changed information for ESSL Version 6.2.1.

March 2020

  • ESSL supports IBM® POWER8® servers with Red Hat Enterprise Linux® 7.7 (Little Endian (LE) mode)
  • CUDA Toolkit 10.2 (POWER8 P100 only)

November 2019

June 2019

A new product, the IBM Engineering and Scientific Subroutine Library on OpenPOWER, V6.2 (product number: 5765-R13). The IBM Engineering and Scientific Subroutine Library on OpenPOWER,V6.2 provides support for OpenPower servers. For more information on supported hardware products, see Hardware Products Supported by ESSL.

May 2019

April 2019

  • LAPACK GPU support:
    • SGETRI, DGETRI, CGETRI, and ZGETRI (General Matrix Inverse)
    • SPOTRI, DPOTRI, CPOTRI, and ZPOTRI (Positive Definite Real Symmetric or Complex Hermitian Matrix Inverse)

August 2018

The following information is a summary of the updates that are made to the ESSL Version 6.1 documentation: