Gathering migration metrics

Before you migrate data to IBM Engineering Requirements Management DOORS Next, use the Migration Metrics utility in IBM Engineering Requirements Management DOORS (DOORS ) to gather information on whole projects or selected modules within a project. Metrics information is generated in a new module in the database.

Before you begin

To run the Migration Metrics utility, you must upgrade the DOORS client where you do this task to version or later.

About this task

The OLE, RTF styling, and suffix options are in version and later. The suffix option is removed in version and later. The option for access rights is in version and later. In versions before, type system output is created in a CSV file and module data is created in an XML file. In version and later, all output is created in a new metrics module in the DOORS database.


  1. Click File > Migration > Migration Metrics.
  2. In the Migration Metrics window, select the project and scope, including all modules or specific modules in the project.
  3. Select any of these options:
    Option Description
    Type System Include details on all system and user attributes.
    Module Data Include a detailed list of properties for each module.
    Access Rights Include a Module Access Rights view in the new metrics module that displays the following information for each module:
    • If the access control list (ACL) is inherited or customized.
    • The default ACL.
    • A customized ACL for user groups, if applicable.
    • A customized ACL for individual users, if applicable.
    ACL options include Read, Modify, Create, Delete, and Administer. For more information, see Access rights.
    OLE Include a count of OLE objects in the object text (ole="n") and in other attributes (oleNotInObjectText="n").
    Important: This option can cause slow performance, depending on the size of the data.
    RTF Styling Include a count of RTF styling in user attributes (rtfNotInPrimaryText="n"). RTF styling includes bold, italic, underline, or other text formatting. User attributes are attributes other than object heading, object text, or object short text.
    Important: This option can cause slow performance, depending on the size of the data.
    Object Type

    Include the Object Types view in the new metrics module that displays object count per object type for each module. Object type is determined by the value of a user-defined attribute and it must be specified in the Attribute Name field. If the specified attribute does not exist in a module, no object type data is shown for that module in the new metrics.

  4. Enter a path for the Target Folder to specify the location of the new metrics module.
  5. Enter a name for the new metrics module.
  6. Click Go to create the migration metrics module.