CEP rule language

Learn about the CEP rule language and parameters.

An example of a CEP rule
"name":"This followed by that",                      // required; unique in tenant
"createdAt": "2020-01-08T21:09:10Z",                 // generated; readonly
"updatedAt": "2020-01-08T21:09:10Z",                 // generated; readonly
"ruleId": "2a3ad91---xxx-xxx-xxxxxx-----xxxx-xxx,    // generated; readonly
"version": 1.0,                                      // generated; readonly
"status": {                                          // generated; readonly
        "code": "live",
        "details": "Version 1.0 of this rule is live and processing."
"instructions: {                                     // required
 "dimension": [	                                     // optional
                "fieldPath": "eventDetails.businesssObject.supplierId
                "type": "String"
 "pattern" : {
   "ifEvent": {                                      // required
	       "condition": {                        // required
	       		//Boolean expression	              
	       "repeated": {                         // optional
  	           "minOccurences": 3		     // optional
	           "maxOccurences": 5		     // optional
		   "consecutive": true               // optional; default=false
	           "withoutEvent": {                 // optional
		       // Boolean expression
 	           "allowCombinations": true .       // optional; default=false
"andThenEvents: [                                 // optional
"optional": true	                     // optional; default=false
"condition": { 	                     // required
// Boolean expresssion
"shouldOccur": false                  // optional; default=true
"consecutive": true                   // optional; default=false
"withoutEvent": {                     // optional
// Boolean expression
"allowCombinations": true             // optional; default=false
"within": {		                             // optional
"timeWindow": 60			     // required
"fieldPath":"timestampEventOccurred"  // optional
"thenOutput": {				     // required
//allow mapping?
"resultContext": [                   // optional
"fieldPath": "eventDetails.businessObject.id
"fieldPath": "eventDetails.businessObject.orderValue


Optional partitioning of the events by a certain field., such as order ID.
 "dimension": [						      
                "fieldPath": "eventDetails.businesssObject.suppliedId
                "type": "String"
Sequence of events to detect a pattern.
"pattern" : {
Required initial event.
"ifEvent": {
Required condition for the initial event.
"condition": {// Boolean expression}
Optional conditions on how many times the event must repeat itself. Not allowed if andThenEvents is specified.
"repeated": {
Optional integer that specifies the minimum number of times the event occurs.
Note: If no max, use timesNOrMore(n). If n=0, use oneOrMore(). If min==0 use optional().
"minOccurences": 3
Optional integer that specifies the maximum number of times the event occurs.
Note: If min==max, use times(n,m).
"maxOccurences": 3
Optional Boolean that specifies whether the event must immediately follow the preceding event or whether another different event can occur in between. Default value is false.
Note: If min is specified but max is not, then either a within window or unlessEvent condition is required for state clearing.
"consecutive": true
Optional Boolean expression that invalidates any prior matched pattern stateOnly valid when min/maxOccurences are specified.
"withoutEvent": {//Boolean expression}
Optional Boolean. Default value is false. Not valid if consecutive is true.
"allowCombinations": true
} // end `repeated`
   } // end `ifEvent`
Optional list of events that need to follow the initial event. Not allowed if repeated is provided on ifEvent.
"andThenEvents: [{
Optional Boolean value that indicates whether this event is required in the sequence of events. Default value is false.
"optional": true
Required Boolean expression that describes the event.
Optional Boolean value that indicates whether the event should or should not occur. Default value is to true. Use false to require that the event does not occur.
"shouldOccur": false
Optional Boolean that specifies whether the event must immediately follow the preceding event or whether another different event can occur in between. Default value is false.
"consecutive": true/false
Optional Boolean expression that invalidates any prior matched pattern state, which means that it stops this pattern from firing.
"withoutEvent": { //Boolean expression}
Optional Boolean. Default value is false. Not valid if consecutive is true.
"allowCombinations": true
} // end sample event in andThenEvents
   ] // end `andThenEvents` array
Optional time window within which the entire pattern from start to end must occur.
"within": {
Required time in seconds.
"timeWindow": long
Optional path to field in the event that contains the time to use. Default value is timestampEventRecieved.
} // end `within`
} // end `pattern`
Required output definition. Includes the name of the pattern that fired. Optional contextual fields to include in output.
 "thenOutput": {					      
                "resultAlias":"<name of the pattern>"
		//allow mapping?
		"resultContext": [
                	   "fieldPath": "eventDetails.businessObject.id
                	   "fieldPath": "eventDetails.businessObject.orderValue
  } // end `thenOutput`