Mapping locations to locations in Envizi ESG Suite

You must configure location mapping before exporting data to Envizi ESG Suite. Prepare and upload a CSV file to the Envizi Supply Chain Intelligence.

Before you begin

Prepare a CSV file with two columns. Refer to the following table for the expected CSV file format.

Table 1. CSV format
Column number Column name Description
1 locationIdentifier A list of all Envizi Supply Chain Intelligence location identifiers
2 secondaryIdentifier Corresponding Envizi ESG Suite location references


  1. From the side navigation menu, expand Management and click Job management
  2. Click New Job.
  3. Select Import data and click Next.
  4. Click Add file and select the file you already prepared.
  5. Select the Object type as Location.
  6. Select the preferred bucket from the bucket list or continue with the default selection.
  7. Select the Data mapping as default and click Next.
  8. Review the details and click Import.

What to do next

Check the status of your import job in Job management. If the job shows failed status then correct your file and upload again.