Creating import rules

Use the data import rule to register your object storage bucket for Envizi™ Supply Chain Intelligence. The bucket is where you upload your data by using CSV files.

Before you begin

Provision your object storage bucket. Make note of its configuration details, including the secret name. For more information about accessing and provisioning object storage, see Managing object storage.

About this task

When the import rule is active, the storage bucket is monitored for new data.


  1. On the Rules library page, click New rule.
  2. Enter the basic details for the rule.
    1. Enter a name for the rule, which is visible to general users in your organization. You can edit the name later.
      For example, Import orders.
    2. Review the logical name for reference.
      The logical name of the rule uniquely identifies it in the system. This value is automatically generated based on the text that you enter in the name field, but you can change the logical name until you save the work queue for the first time. The logical name must be a unique name.
    3. Enter a description for the rule.
      This text is displayed next to the rule name on the Rules library page.
    4. From the Type list, select Import rule.
    5. Optional: Set the Status to Active.
      Activating a rule makes it visible and available to others in your organization after you create it. Incomplete rules are not visible to general users even if the rules are activated. Rules must be both complete and activated to display for others. If you deactivate a rule that is active, it is no longer be available for others to use.

On the Configure tab, specify the details of the object storage bucket:

  1. Select the location where you plan to upload your source files. Choose either IBM Cloud® Object Storage or AWS Cloud Object Storage.
  2. Select a bucket that is registered with the Envizi Supply Chain Intelligence or register a new bucket.
  3. If you select a registered bucket, select the bucket name and set the file path.
  4. If you are registering a new bucket, provide the following details:
    For IBM Cloud Object Storage, enter:
    • Bucket region, for example, US or EU.
    • Bucket name.
    • Location endpoint of the bucket
    • Type of endpoint, that is, public or private.
    • ID of the object storage instance.
    • File location is an optional prefix that is assigned to files in the bucket.
    • The secret name of the API key.
    For AWS Cloud Object Storage, enter:
    • Bucket region, for example, US or EU.
    • Bucket name.
    • Location endpoint of the bucket
    • Access key ID
    • File location is an optional prefix that is assigned to files in the bucket.
    • The name of the API key.
    You can save the bucket details by selecting Save as pre-existing.
  5. Set the frequency that the Envizi Supply Chain Intelligence monitors the bucket for new data.
  6. In the Action section, specify whether the data is being streamed or ingested in bulk mode and set the priority of the import rule.
    If more than one import job is in progress, high priority jobs are processed before lower priority jobs.
  7. Click Save.


The Envizi Supply Chain Intelligence monitors the bucket that you specified for new data.

What to do next

Upload your data to your object storage bucket.