Performing audit trails
You can perform an audit trail for calculated emission values in the Emissions Management component.
About this task
The factor value that is applied depends on whether fall back spend-based emission factors are applied or whether the supplier calculated and uploaded PCF values. Envizi Supply Chain Intelligence includes Eora66 MRIO factors, which are USD-based. Therefore, the product.value must also be in USD and the product.valueCurrency must be in USD to use these factors for emissions calculations. No limitations apply to the OrderLine.valueCurrency because it is irrelevant for emissions calculations.
When a product from a supplier is marked as material, a ComplianceRecord object is created internally to hold the factor for the product. The factor is either provided by the supplier or a default spend-based factor is assigned. When the order line is ingested, the emission totals are calculated for the order.
- A country-based factor that is specified by unit of measurement, for example, kg.
- A global factor that is specified per unit of measurement.
- A country-based factor that is based on spend. EORA factors are in this category.
- A global factor that is based on spend. EPA factors are in this category.