
Defines the ship-from locations for purchased goods and services.

Locations are defined during the initial load of CSV data and are maintained on an ongoing basis by uploading data to object storage. The full set of primary and secondary entities for the locations object are defined in the data dictionary.

You can use the sample CSV files to define the Location object. For more information, see Sample files.

Locations are used in factor mapping. Table 1 describes the fields of the location object that are configured during onboarding.

Table 1. Object Model
Field name Data type Display name Example Description Required
locationIdentifier String Location ID 9K8

Unique identifier for a location.

locationType String Location type SUPPLIER The type of location. Valid values are
  • STORE.
LocationName String Location name Nashua The descriptive name for the location. Required
address1 String Address1 5 Main St. Street address line 1. Recommended
address2 String Address2 n/a Street address line 2. Optional
city String City Nushua Name of the city that the location is in. Recommended
postalCode String Postal code 3064 Postal code or zip code. Recommended
stateProvince String State-province NHi State or province name. Recommended
country String Country USA

Country name that is represented by a 3-letter country code.

coordinates String Coordinates 42.7653662, -71.467566 Geospatial coordinates of the location in latitude and longitude. Recommended
includeInCorrelation Boolean Include in correlation TRUE Specify whether to include the location in correlation calculations. Optional
geo String Geo AMERICAS Geo that this city is in. Valid values are
  • EMEA
  • AP
locationSubtype String Subtype Manufacturing A subtype of location. Valid values are:
  • Manufacturing
  • Distribution
  • Headquarters
sourceLink String Source link   A direct link to the source of the data if available. Optional


The following is an excerpt from the sample CSV file for the Location object.
AFX - El Paso,CARRIER,Air Freight Express - El Paso,USA
Alumi-lux - Nashua,SUPPLIER,Alumi-lux Metal Products - Nashua,USA
Amos - Philadelphia,SUPPLIER,Amos Wire Products Inc - Philadelphia,USA