Creating alert rules

Alert rules notify users of potential issues or changes in the business process, and allow them to take action to resolve them quickly.


  1. From the side navigation menu, click Builder > Rule builder and then click the New rule.
  2. Name and describe the rule.
    1. On the Define rule page, enter a name for the rule, such as Winter weather.
      The name is visible to general users in your organization. You can edit the name later.
    2. Review the logical name for reference.
      The logical name of the rule uniquely identifies it in the system. This value is automatically generated based on the text that you enter in the Name field, but you can change the logical name until you save the rule for the first time. The logical name must be a unique name.
    3. Enter a description of the rule.
      This text is displayed next to the rule name in the rule library.
    4. Select rule type as Alert rule.
    5. Optional: To activate the rule, set the toggle to Active.

      Activating a rule makes it visible and available to others in your organization after you create it. Incomplete rules are not visible to general users even if they are activated. Rules must be both complete and activated to be shown to others. If you deactivate a rule that is active, it is no longer available for others to use.

  3. Define the event triggers and action for the rule.
    1. On the Configure page, in the event triggers section, click Add.
    2. Select a preexisting real-time criteria to add as the trigger criteria.
    3. In the actions section, click Add action.
    4. Select the Alert method as Email.
      You can also configure API endpoint or Create geospatial event as the alert method.
    5. In the Send to field, contacts subscribed to criteria are considered automatically to whom this email message will be delivered.
    6. Select a message from the message list and click Done.
      The message list shows you the messages that are in active state created using the Message builder.
  4. Click Save.
  5. Optional: Test the rule.
    1. On the Test page, expand the rule status.
      If the rule status is live then your rule is live and started processing the information.
    2. If the status shows loading, wait for a few minutes and then click Refresh.


An alert rule is created and running. If the rule criteria is met then the email messages will be delivered to the identified contacts.