Creating actionable workflows

Actionable workflows allow you and other users in your organization to take action directly in Envizi Supply Chain Intelligence.

Before you begin

Any resolution can also easily be converted to an actionable workflow by using IBM® Business Automation Workflow.

A workflow toolkit is also available for you to download and install. This toolkit allows your IBM Business Automation Workflow engine to communicate with your Envizi Supply Chain Intelligence organization.

Table 1. Workflow toolkit
Sample asset Project link Description
Workflow toolkit Workflow toolkit The workflow toolkit is a library of components that you upload into IBM Business Automation Workflow that enables you to work with the sample assets.

About this task

There are two types of resolutions: best practice recommendations and actionable workflows. Both resolution types contain information about each step that is required to complete a resolution, but actionable workflows allow you and other users in your organization to take action directly in Envizi Supply Chain Intelligence. Sample best practice resolutions are provided as starting points. You can extend and customize the samples or create new resolutions to address custom business needs.

The following business objects are used for workflows:
Table 2. Workflow business objects
Type Description
ExternalWorkflowDefinition An externalWorkflowDefinition defines the configuration for an external workflow engine. This is a global setting for all tenants that use the same workflow engine. The IBM Business Automation Workflow engine is supported.
ActionDefinition An actionDefinition describes a resolution that can be used to resolve a work item. If an externalWorkflowDefinition is specified in the actionDefinition, the corresponding workflow engine will be invoked with the externalWorkflowDefinitionParams specified.
RuleOverride The default actions that are configured for each of the sample work queues are global definitions for all tenants. To customize an action for your tenant, you can create a ruleOverride for the specific action.


After you create a workflow in IBM Business Automation Workflow, select it as the actionable workflow in any of your resolutions.
  1. If you created your own custom resolution, Set the externalWorkflowDefintion and externalWorkflowDefinitionParams fields by using the update action definition API.
  2. If you want to use a custom workflow with one of the sample IBM resolutions, set the externalWorkflowDefintion and externalWorkflowDefinitionParams fields by using the rule overrides API.

    Example value for externalWorkflowDefinition:

      "id": "70c0ec9c-cd1f-459b-8a37-f5d52eb3784f",
      "type": "ExternalWorkflowDefinition"

    Example field value for externalWorkflowDefinitionParams:

        "name": "container",
        "value": "container123"
        "name": "model",
        "value": "model123"
You can also build and customize actionable workflows directly in Envizi Supply Chain Intelligence.Intelligence suite displaying actionable workflow window