Setting up notification contacts

You can notify users when issues are raised. Configure rules to specify which users to send the notifications, under which conditions, and for what locations.

About this task

System administrators can set up notifications for multiple locations, groups, or the organization in a single step. General users can set up notifications for a single location. You can assign a user as an assignee or a watcher of an issue.


  1. Open the Notification Contacts grid.
    • For the organization, from the main menu, click Manage > Notification Contacts.
    • For a group, from the main menu, click Manage > Groups. In the groups grid, from the pop-up menu, click Notification Contacts.
    • For locations, from the main menu, click Manage > Locations. In the locations grid, select one or several locations, and from the pop-up menu, click Notification Contact.
  2. In the Create New dialog:
    1. Set the role of users who are sent the notification. Note: For surveys and portal surveys, data capture issues, the users must be set as an assignee.
    2. Select the locations that the notification applies to.
    3. Select the users who should receive the notification.
      1. If you are adding assignees, select the associated logins.
      2. If you are adding watchers, select the associated contact.
    4. Select the issue type.
    5. Set the priority of the notification to Critical, High, Low, or Standard. Data capture issues must be set to Standard.
  3. Click Save.

What to do next

A notification is added to the table for each location, issue type, and alert priority combination.

  • Only one assignee is allowed per location and issue type combination.
  • You must associate a login with an assigner.
  • For a location, only user logins that are assigned to a location are available as assignees.
  • If an assignee exists for the issue type and priority, the existing assignee is replaced by the new one.