Using the navigator

You can view summary information at each level of the hierarchy.

An administrator can restrict user access to specific parts of the hierarchy. Organizing nodes into a hierarchy builds the reporting structure to ensure that all data rolls up to the organization node of the hierarchy.

A hierarchy is organized into the following structure:

  • A record is at the lowest level of the hierarchy and tracks consumption and cost for a period and is associated with an account.
  • An account captures data for a specific data type, for example, electricity.
  • Each location or site can have multiple accounts, which combined reflect the data set for that location.
  • Data is aggregated across locations by using a group. Examples of types of groups include business reporting groups and building types.
  • Data from groups rolls up to the organization level where all data is available.
  • Under the organization node, a Locations by Regions hierarchy is provided out-of-the box. All locations are automatically grouped according to the region that they are in.

Watch the following video to learn more about an organization hierarchy:

2 mins