Finding a record

If you need to find a specific record in IBM® ESG Suite and you are not sure how to locate it, you can use global search to find it.

About this task

Watch this video to see how you can use search to find a record.

3 mins

You can use global search to perform a simple search or advanced search. In the Advanced Record Search dialog, you can narrow the scope of your search to areas of the organization and by search criteria.


  • You can find records by using simple search.
    1. In global search, select Records, and enter an account name or ID. A list of accounts is returned.
    2. If your account is not in the list, click See all results to open a Records grid that matches your search criteria.
    3. Use the columns to filter and sort the grid to find the record.
  • You can find records by using advanced search.
    1. In global search, select Records, and click The Filters icon to open the Advanced Record Search dialog and specify the search criteria.
    2. From the Search In list, accept the default option, which is organization, or choose one of these options to narrow the scope of where to look for records. A maximum of ten results are returned for each option.
      • Groups. Enter a specific group. The option is not available to location-level users.
      • Locations. Enter a specific location. The option is not available to location-level users.
      • Accounts. Enter a specific account.
      • Cost Centers. Enter a specific account. The option is not available to location-level users. A maximum of 10 cost centers are displayed.
      • File Details. Enter a file within which to search. The option is not available to group- and location-level users.
      • Tags: If tags have been assigned to accounts, enter a tag.
      • Payment File Number: Specify the number. Only available if you the associated module is enabled in your environment.
    3. From the Period list, select the time period during which you want to search for records.
      • Record period: Select the time range, for example, last 12 moths. Records that are within the record period are displayed.
      • Captured/uploaded: Select the time range for when the data was uploaded or manually captured.
      • Payment date. The option is available if Advanced Invoice Accounting option is set to Yes.
    4. In Criteria, enter the criteria to use to search for the record.
      • Search By: Select category, data type, or account style, and select an item. Each option defaults to All. Selecting All does not qualify as having chosen a criteria.
      • Account Reference: Account references that include your text are returned.
      • Supplier: Supplier names that include your text are returned.
      • Record Reference: Record references that include your text are returned.
      • Cost: Specify the cost criteria. Search is based on Total Cost.
    5. Optional: Under Optional filters, select the option to exclude records for closed accounts.
    6. Specify how to display the results.
      1. Specify how to sort the results.
      2. Set the maximum number of results to display. The maximum is 5000 results and the default is 500 results.