Uploading data and requesting an ENERGY STAR score

You can upload location data and consumption data to ESPM by API and request an ENERGY STAR score back to Envizi at the same time.

Choose one of the following modes for data upload from IBM® ESG Suite to ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager:
Full Data Sync
  • Upload both property use details, and energy and water utility data for only the previous 12 months up to the end of the selected month.
  • Request an ENERGY STAR score back by API, and store the score in Envizi ESG Suite.
Partial Data Sync
  • Upload energy and water utility data for only the previous 12 months up to the end of the selected month.
  • Request an ENERGY STAR score back by API, and store the score in Envizi ESG Suite.
Attention: A partial data sync does not upload any property or property use details to ESPM.
Use one of the following methods to access the ESPM data sync and ENERGY STAR score feature:
  • In a Location Summary page, click either Action > Request ENERGY STAR score w Full Data Sync or Action > Request ENERGY STAR score w Partial Data Sync.
  • In the Locations grid, right-click a location and click either Request ENERGY STAR score w Full Data Sync or Request ENERGY STAR score w Partial Data Sync.
  • In the Location Ratings grid, click either Request ENERGY STAR score w Full Data Sync or Request ENERGY STAR score w Partial Data Sync.
  • To reupload data for the same month, if the previous request finished with errors, in the Location ratings grid, right-click a location rating and click either Request ENERGY STAR score w Full Data Sync or Request ENERGY STAR score w Partial Data Sync.
In the Request a new ENERGY STAR score dialog, select an end month for the data upload and rating request, and then click SUBMIT.

The request normally takes approximately 5 to 10 minutes from start to finish.

Attention: In full data sync mode, any existing property and property use details and utility consumption data in ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager for the specified 12 month period is overwritten by data from Envizi ESG Suite.

In partial data sync mode, any utility consumption data in ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager for the specified 12 month period is overwritten by data from Envizi ESG Suite.

First time partial data sync for a new location

If you request a partial data sync for a new location that has not been previously created in ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager, the first sync uploads property information such as the build year and address to ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager. The information is required when a new property is created in ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager. The partial data sync does not upload any property use details such as floor area or the air conditioning percentage.

Subsequent partial data syncs for the same location will not upload any property information.

Bulk requests

You can also initiate the API process for multiple locations at the same time. In either the Locations grid or the Group Locations grid, select multiple locations, right-click and click either Request ENERGY STAR score w Full Data Sync or Request ENERGY STAR score w Partial Data Sync.

API requests are carried out sequentially for each location, so the entire process takes longer than for a single request, possibly up to two hours or so, based on the number of locations selected.

Check API request job status

The API job involves a series of data exchange and web service API calls to ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager, such as uploading build data and consumption data, requesting a score, and so on.

You can review the status of each step in the ENERGY STAR API Job History section in the Location Ratings page preview panel. Collapse and expand the preview panel to refresh the latest status.

The first API job status message in the preview panel is slightly different when running under full data sync mode and partial data sync mode. The full data sync mode includes the upload of all property use details data to ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager while the partial data sync mode does not upload any property or property use details data.


You can also use the ENERGY STAR Ratings report to check the status of API job for all locations, instead of going into each location individually. You can find the report in the Benchmark submenu at the organization, group, or location level.

Troubleshooting API jobs

Sometimes the API process might fail to proceed due to insufficient data being provided to ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager. For some of the most commonly found data issues, see the API troubleshooting topic. Also review the ENERGY STAR API transaction logs to determine the root causes of issues.

The ENERGY STAR module supports only the upload of data from Envizi ESG Suite to ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager. It does not support the download data from ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager to Envizi ESG Suite.