Provisioning IBM App Connect

Provision an IBM App Connect data service to extract, transform, and load (ETL) data.

About this task

When you create the App Connect data service, the default App Connect API upload endpoint, client ID, and client secret are automatically saved to the data service.


  1. As a system administrator, from the main menu, clicks Admin > Data Flow Automation to open the Data Services grid.
  2. Click Add New Service.
  3. Select Transformation as the category.
  4. Select IBM App Connect (Data ETL) as the data service type.
  5. Set the owner to Envizi.
  6. Assign a name to the data service.
  7. Optional: If you created a data pipeline for transforming data by using App Connect, you can select a data pipeline from the list.
  8. Click Save.


The data service is created and enabled.