Configuring meter data performance rules

BEPA performance rules can be used on any meter with sufficient historical meter and weather data. The rule engine combines historical meter data, weather information such as maximum daily temperature, day of week, and building schedule information to predict consumption for a given meter on a given day.

Before you begin

BEPA performance rules require a minimum of one month of historical meter and weather data, but typically require at least six months of data to produce good results.

Create notification contacts for BEPA alerts in all locations where you want issues to be assigned to a specific user. For more information, see the related link.

Select the expected profile method for the meter.

Set an occupancy schedule for the meter if you intend to use custom operating hours when configuring performance rules.

About this task

The rule engine compares the predicted consumption with the actual consumption based on rules that use the following settings:
  • The %variance from expected setting is the rule threshold expressed as a percentage.
  • The Delay on period setting is the continuous period for which the rule threshold must be breached before the alert is triggered.
  • The Time period is the period of the day when each rule is active.
The rules are outlined in the following list, where the setting values shown are the default values for each rule. To prevent errors with the rule logic, enter only numeric values and do not enter units such as % or minutes.
Base load anomaly
  • Delay on period : 120 minutes
  • % variance from expected : 10%
  • Time period : 00:00 - 04:00 hours
Operating load anomaly
  • Delay on period : 120 minutes
  • % variance from expected : 10%
  • Time period : 09:00 - 17:00 hours
Running on weekend
  • % variance from expected : 10%
  • Time period : 00:00 - 24:00 hours
Running on holiday
  • % variance from expected : 10%
  • Time period : 00:00 - 24:00 hours


  1. To configure BEPA performance rules, in the Meter Summary page, click Actions > Performance Settings.
  2. Set the priority for all performance rules.
  3. Select Yes to enable and show all performance rules.
    By default, all rules are enabled with the settings that are indicated in the "About this task" section. You can modify or disable rules.
  4. For Base load anomaly and Operating load anomaly, you can choose to use the occupancy schedule that is linked to the meter to determine the period for the rule instead of the default values. For more information, see the related link.
  5. If you have configured charges to attribute costs to meter data, then you can set a cost threshold for each rule.
    Alerts are triggered only if the calculated cost of the variance is above the threshold.