Configuring meter data inactivity rules

A data inactivity rule triggers alerts when interval data has not arrived for a meter after a defined period of time. For example, if you have an electricity meter that is expected to have data arrive daily, you can set an inactivity rule to let you know if the data is older than two days.

Before you begin

Create notification contacts for inactivity alerts in all locations where you want issues to be assigned to a specific user. For more information, see the related link.


  1. To create an inactivity rule, right-click a meter in the Meters grid, or on any meters dashboard click More > Inactivity Rules > .
  2. In the Create New dialog, complete the fields:
    Event name
    This field can be named something meaningful, for example, include the name of your location and meter as this will be referenced in the email you receive if ever the alert is triggered.
    For Meter
    This field is not editable and refers to the meter that you are creating the rule for.
    This field is not editable and refers to the type of rule being created.
    Set Status
    This field determines the priority of the alert and issue to be created. It also impacts which notification contact, if any, is assigned to the issue and receives a notification email.
    When data is older than
    This field records the amount of time that is allowed to pass between the last interval timestamp and the delivery of the next set of interval data. For example, if you are expecting data to arrive every hour, then setting this field to 2 hours will alert you when data is older than 2 hours.

    Note that the delay time ignores any daylight savings adjustments that are set in your organization preferences.