Emission factors page
The emissions factors dashboard lists all of the emission factors that are used in the Market-based Emissions report.
Figure 1 provides an example of the Emissions factors
Emission factors are divided into the following categories:
- Custom factors
- This set of factors refers to custom factors that are provided to an organization through a PPA,
contract, or direct from a supplier that conveys the specific energy mix. These factors are managed
by the organization. They were formerly known as Supplier and contract factors. Note: When you capture a new factor, select the market-based factor set.
- Residual mix factors
- This set of factors contains a collection of emission factors that represent the emissions that result from the generation of fossil fuel sources. The factors do not include green energy attributes or certificates.
- Location-based factors
- This set of factors represents the average emission factor from all types of electricity generation within a region, including renewables.
On each tab, the factor set provides the following information:
- The factor set.
- The region where the factors apply
- The emission factor, which is the greenhouse gases produced per kWh of consumption measured in CO2e.
- The source of the emission factor.
- The unique factor ID that is associated with the emission factor. Use the factor ID when you are looking for more details about the factor in the Monthly Data report or the Emissions and Energy Factors report.