GRESB Building Certifications energy ratings mappings

Review a list of how GRESB Building Certifications energy ratings map to ratings IDs, which are used by the GRESB API.

The GRESB API requires an ID instead of the actual name of the energy rating. Because the GRESB Asset Summary (with API) page data is the exact data set that is sent to GRESB, Envizi is not able to show the actual name of the energy rating on the page. The following table shows a mapping of energy rating names to IDs that you can view in the GRESB Asset Summary (with API) page. Alternatively, view the GRESB official list at the related link.

Table 1. Mapping of GRESB Building Certifications energy ratings to ratings IDs
Energy rating name Rating ID
Arc Energy Performance Certificate 64
Arc Energy Performance Score 65
BBC Effinergie 66
BBC Effinergie Rénovation 67
BCA BESS (Building Energy Submission System) Benchmarking 48
BEE Star Rating - Shopping Mall - 1 Star 90
BEE Star Rating - Shopping Mall - 2 Star 89
BEE Star Rating - Shopping Mall - 3 Star 88
BEE Star Rating - Shopping Mall - 4 Star 87
BEE Star Rating - Shopping Mall - 5 Star 86
BEPOS Effinergie 68
BEPOS+ Effinergie 69
Building Energy Rating (BER) Certificate 50
DPE (Diagnostic de performance énergétique) 51
Energiattest - Norway 52
Energideklaration - Sweden 53
Energy Index - NL 70
Energy Star Certified - 75-79 Points 47
Energy Star Certified - 80-84 Points 46
Energy Star Certified - 85-89 Points 45
Energy Star Certified - 90-95 Points 44
Energy Star Certified - 96-100 Points 43
Energy Star Portfolio Manager 54
EU EPC - A 3
EU EPC - A+ 2
EU EPC - A++ 1
EU EPC - A+++ 83
EU EPC - A++++ 84
EU EPC - A1 13
EU EPC - A2 14
EU EPC - A3 15
EU EPC - A4 85
EU EPC - B 4
EU EPC - B- 5
EU EPC - B1 16
EU EPC - B2 17
EU EPC - B3 18
EU EPC - Belgium 26
EU EPC - C 6
EU EPC - C1 19
EU EPC - C2 20
EU EPC - C3 21
EU EPC - D 7
EU EPC - D1 22
EU EPC - D2 23
EU EPC - E 8
EU EPC - E1 24
EU EPC - E2 25
EU EPC - F 9
EU EPC - G 10
EU EPC - Germany (Non-residential) 92
EU EPC - H 11
EU EPC - I 12
EU EPC - Latvia 27
EU EPC - Poland 28
EU EPC - Slovenia 29
Fannie Mae Energy Performance Metric 71
Green Star Performance Energy Certificate 57
HKGOC - Energywi$e Certificate 58
Hong Kong EMSD Energy Benchmarking 81
Hong Kong GBC BEST Tool 82
HPE (Haute Performance Energétique) 72
Japan e-mark 78
KEA Korea Building Energy Efficiency Certification 77
NABERS Co-Assess 73
NABERS Energy - 0.5 Stars 41
NABERS Energy - 0 Stars 42
NABERS Energy - 1.5 Stars 39
NABERS Energy - 1 Star 40
NABERS Energy - 2.5 Stars 37
NABERS Energy - 2 Stars 38
NABERS Energy - 3.5 Stars 35
NABERS Energy - 3 Stars 36
NABERS Energy - 4.5 Stars 33
NABERS Energy - 4 Stars 34
NABERS Energy - 5.5 Stars 31
NABERS Energy - 5 Stars 32
NABERS Energy - 6 Stars 30
NatHERS 59
OID Taloen Benchmarking 60
Ontario EWRB 74
SIA 2031 Energy Certificate 61
Superior Energy Performance 50001 75
THPE (Très Haute Performance Energétique) 76
TMG Tokyo Energy Performance Certificate 79
TMG Tokyo Green Labelling for Condominiums 80
TMG Tokyo Near-Top-level Facility 93
TMG Tokyo Small and Medium Scale Facilities 62
TMG Tokyo Top-level Facility 63