
Data receipt report

The Data Receipt report is an automated email that is sent to specific contacts when data is loaded. The report informs them of whether their file was loaded successfully or was partially successful.

Page 1: Summary

The Section 1 overview confirms the status of the file that was loaded, and contains the following fields:
  • File name: The name of the file received.
  • Uploaded on: The date, in GMT, that the file was processed.
  • File status: The status of the file, either Loaded or Error.
  • Total rows: The number of rows in the file.
  • Read errors: The number of rows that were not read.
  • Rows skipped: The number of rows that were skipped.
  • Rows read: The number of valid rows.
  • Rows loaded: The number of rows that were loaded. If the number of rows loaded is less that the number of rows read, there are two possible reasons:
    • Load errors were found.
    • Data aggregation occurred, which caused multiple rows to be merged into a single row.
The Row Breakdown section shows a graphical representation of the data that was loaded. The chart shows the following information:
  • Percentage of records added to new accounts: No matching account was found so a new account was created and the records were added to the account.
  • Percentage of records added to existing accounts: Records were successfully added to an existing account.
  • Percentage of records that were unprocessed: A load error occurred, that prevented the records from being added to an account.

Page 2: Load errors

Loads errors are presented whenever a row was successfully read, but an issue occurred when loading the data into the platform. Possible reasons for load errors include:
  • Unable to resolve the location.
  • Date format is invalid.
  • Number format is invalid.
  • Account is closed.

Page 3: Read errors

Read errors occur when the pattern of a row in the file does not match the expected format. Possible reasons for row errors include:
  • Unable to match a row to any row in the specification.
  • Unable to retrieve a value for a column that does not exist in a row.

Page 4: Skip rows

Rows might be designated as skip rows, where the reason is indicated in the Status column, and the skipped row name in the specification determines the message that is returned in the data receipt and displayed in the Row Data column.

Figure 1. Skip rows example
Skip rows example

Page 5: Breakdown by account style

The Breakdown page shows which accounts were updated and how much data was loaded. The data is aggregated by account style.

Figure 2. Breakdown page
Breakdown page
The Breakdown page contains the following fields:
  • Account Style: The account style that the data was loaded to.
  • Records Added (New Accounts): Number of records added to newly created accounts.
  • Records Added (Existing Accounts): Number of records added to existing accounts.
  • Accounts Created: Number of accounts that were created.
  • Accounts Updated: Number of existing accounts that were updated.
  • Units In: The total sum of all data loaded into the primary measure of the account style.
  • Total Cost: The sum of the Total Cost field for all data that was loaded.
  • Earliest/Latest Date: The first and last data of data received for the account style.