Copy a related response

When you respond to a question, you can copy data from a related question, if available.

About this task

Reporting for your organization might be grounded in central principles and themes. You might want to refer to questions across frameworks when you are working on your responses. If you respond to questions in both SASB and GRI, you might want to see the links between these questions. In SRM, questions are linked across managed frameworks. For example, in the TCFD framework, question TCFD GovRDa is linked to SDG11.5.


  1. On the Disclosures home page, click View to open a disclosure.
  2. Click a question to open the Response page for the question.
  3. Click the Preview button to open the Details pane.
  4. In the Related Questions section, click the related question and review the response details.
  5. Click Copy this Response.
  6. Deselect any fields within the response that you do not want to copy, for example, Attachments.
  7. Modify the response as required and click Save to save the updated response.


The content that is copied to the current response replaces the current text.

What to do next

Complete your response to the question.