Refreshing datasets on-demand

You can refresh PowerReport datasets on demand through the PowerReports page in IBM® Envizi ESG Suite. The PowerReport datasets perform a general overnight refresh every day from Monday to Saturday to ensure that any changes that are made during standard business days are reflected in your PowerReports the next day. However, if you have made changes, you might require the reports to be refreshed sooner than overnight.

Before you begin

The process currently has some limitations:
  • You cannot initiate a refresh while the daily refresh is taking place.
  • You cannot initiate a refresh within an hour of a previous refresh request.
  • You can perform a maximum of two refreshes per day.

About this task

Any user who is both a system administrator, and is assigned the PowerReport Edit work role, can refresh PowerReport datasets on demand.


  1. To open the PowerReports page, click the PowerReports Quicklink menu, or click Report > PowerReports.
  2. Right-click any standard report, for example, Monthly Dataset, and then click Refresh Dataset.
    The underlying data for any report that shares a dataset with the selected report is refreshed, including saved report copies.
  3. Review the status of the refresh in the Refresh Status column, which you can update by refreshing the page in your browser.
    The refresh status is one of the following values:
    • Manual Refresh - Pending
    • Manual Refresh - Queued
    • Manual Refresh - In Progress
    • Manual Refresh - Completed


When the refresh status indicates Manual Refresh - Completed, the new data is available in your reports.