Creating a custom report

Edit any report you have previously saved, or save a copy of an existing report to create a custom report.

Before you begin

A system administrator assigns the creator of the custom report the PowerReport Edit work role.

Review the video tutorials to understand the monthly dataset and how to perform common tasks in PowerReports. For more information, see PowerReports tutorials.

About this task

To create a custom report from scratch, create a copy of a dataset report, for example, monthly dataset. If you are creating a custom report that is similar to an existing report, you can create a copy of that report but you must remove the unwanted data from the report. The custom report is your personal copy of the original report.

Figure 1 displays an example of a PowerReport in edit mode.
Figure 1. Custom PowerReport in edit mode
A screen shot of a custom PowerReport.
In edit mode, each PowerReport has the following sections:
Fields that are available in the dataset. Drag fields from the tables to the report to represent the data points in the report or to filter the report data. A glossary of the fields is provided in the Monthly dataset section.
Card types that you can add to the report, for example, area chart, bar chart, line chart, dounut chart, or map. You can apply formatting to these cards.
Expand tables and drag fields to the report to add as filters. Use filters to include or exclude data and to organize the report data.
For more information about customizing PowerReports, see the Analyze data with Power BI and the Use Visuals in Power BI sections of the Microsoft Power BI Guided Learning site.


  1. Open the Monthly Dataset Power Report.
    Click Report > PowerReports and select a dataset report template to open it.
  2. Click Save a Copy and assign a name to the custom report.
  3. Click View report to open the custom report.
    The Edit button is available on the custom report.
  4. In the Data section, expand the tables and drag the fields that you require on to the report to represent the data points of the report.
  5. In the Visualization section, expand the tables and drag the fields that you require on to the report.
  6. In the Filters section, expand the tables and drag the fields that you require on to the report. For example, expand the calendar table and drag the date field to the report to specify the date range of the report.
  7. Click Save.