Running a Programs Overview PowerReport

Run the Programs Overview PowerReport to see the expected emissions, energy, and cost savings that are associated with your projects

Before you begin

Review the data prerequisites before your run the report for the first time.

About this task

For a description of the sections of the report, see Running a Programs Overview PowerReport


  1. From the main menu, click Report > PowerReports to open the Reports grid.
  2. In the Report column, filter by Programs Overview.
  3. Click the report name in the grid to open the report.
  4. Review the Home page to get an overview of the emissions savings of both candidate and actual programs.
  5. To review a summary of savings by status, data type, program class or program priority, click Savings Summary on the Home page.
    The page shows the expected implementation cost, the estimate energy savings, and the estimated emissions savings.
  6. To explore action details, click Program Explorer on the Home page.
    Explore the action details by cost savings, energy savings, emissions savings, and implementation costs.