Viewing a Planning Analytics pipeline
When you configure a Planning Analytics data service, a corresponding data pipeline is created for Planning Analytics. You can view the configuration of the pipeline from the Data Pipelines grid.
About this task
When a Planning Analytics integration data service is provisioned and the Planning Analytics API connection details are saved, the Envizi monthly dataset is automatically pushed to Planning Analytics on a daily basis. This scheduled process aligns with the daily update of data in the monthly dataset, so generally there is no benefit from refreshing the data more frequently.
If you need to perform an immediate export of data from the data pipeline and you do not want to wait for the scheduled export which occurs overnight, you can perform a manual export of the data. Select the data pipeline and click Actions and select Manual Refresh to export the data. The status of the file transfer is available from the Data Export Status tab.
- As a system administrator, from the main menu, click to open the Data Services grid.
- Click the Data Pipeline tab.
- View the pipeline configuration and status.