Tag Summary pages

The Tag Type Summary page and the Tag Summary page provide relevant overview information and analysis about a tag type or tag. You can configure the dashboard to view performance from an energy perspective or an emissions perspective.

Note: Tag access level users have the Tag Summary page as their home page.

To customize the page settings:

  1. Click Customize.
  2. Toggle the gadgets on or off.
  3. Click Apply.


The gadgets available on the Summary page depend on the modules that your organization has purchased.
Note: All the gadgets on the Tag Type and Tag Summary pages use live data and not daily refreshed data.
The gadgets that are available on the page include:
  • Tag Type or Tag Details: Displays identifying information about the tag type or tag.
  • Quick links: Provides links to open grid views for accounts, meters, tags or tagged items. Meters are available if you purchased the Interval Metering Analytics module.
  • Recently Visited: Recently visited pages.
  • Activity by Period: View energy consumption, emissions, and cost per month broken down by actual, estimated, and accrued values. Emissions are available if you purchased the Scope 1 & 2 GHG Accounting module.
  • Utility Consumption: Displays high-level performance information about your utilities. You can see total consumption for electricity, natural gas, and water for the period.
    Note: The unit of measure for each utility can be set by your system administrator. For more information, see Setting organization preferences.
    If the tag type or tag that you are viewing has accounts or meters that are opened or closed for electricity, gas, or water, you can click the Electricity, Gas, or Water tabs to see electricity, gas, or water consumption by month. The gadget is available if you purchased the Utility Bill Analytics module.
  • Data Health: Shows how much of the data is actual and how much is estimated or accrued.
  • Recent Issues: Shows recent issues that are associated with the tag type or tag. The gadget might help you resolve account data capture, account data anomaly, or building issues. Click an issue number to see more details about the issue.

Menu options

  • Dashboard: Select this option to view Performance by Tag Type or Performance by Tag dashboard. The dashboard shows the activity data by month for the period and the unit of measure that is selected. The Performance by Tag Type dashboard also shows the data ranked by tag.
    • The time selector in these dashboards do not include bars for each month.
    • These dashboards use live data, and not daily refreshed data.
    • These dashboards can be emailed but they cannot be saved.
  • Accounts: Navigate to a list of accounts that are assigned to the tag type or tag.
  • Meters: Navigate to the list of meters that are assigned to the tag or tag type. The dashboard is available if your organization purchased Interval Metering Analytics.
  • Tagged Items: Navigate to a list of items, that is, accounts and meters that are tagged to the tag type or tag.
  • Preview panel: The preview panel includes the following sections:
    • Notes: Add notes against custom tag types and tags. It is not possible to add notes to tag types and tags that are managed by the platform.
    • Attachments: Add attachments against custom tag types and tags. It is not possible to add attachments to tag types and tags that are managed by the platform.