Sustainability Reporting Manager enhancements and new frameworks

A number of new features have been released to bring more capabilities to the SSustainability Reporting Manager.

New ESG frameworks onboarded in Q2

The United Nations Global Compact Communication on Progress (UNGC CoP) and the New Zealand Climate Standards (NZ CS) have been added in our growing list of SRM Supported Frameworks.

New ESG frameworks onboarded

The European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS) and the Task-force on Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD) have been added in our growing list of SRM Supported Frameworks.

Differentiated access roles

Permissions for different access roles working within SRM have been differentiated. This feature caters to the diversity of participants in the disclosure preparation process.

Approver as an optional persona

An approver role has been introduced as an additional persona in every disclosure. This person is tasked to approve question responses before they can be marked complete and acceptable for external reporting. This is an optional role designed to help organizations that choose to implement a multi-level approval process. Including an approver introduces the additional response status, Ready for Approval and the due date, Ready for Approval by to the workflow.

Permissions defined according to persona

Permissions along the SRM workflow have also been differentiated according to personas.

Viewing disclosures and questions is now restricted to system administrators and assigned users to ensure that responses are shared within the organization on a need-to-know basis, particularly for questions that entail sensitive data. Assignees, reviewers, and approvers can view a disclosure if they have an assignment in it, and they will see only a subset of questions that are assigned to them. Disclosure Owners will be able to see all the questions in the disclosure assigned to them.

Further, changing a question status can only be done by the assigned persona, strengthening the responsibility of disclosure participants on their inputs.

Enabling email notifications

Disclosure owners can now enable automatic email notifications to be sent to participants. This is a disclosure property that can be set when creating or editing a disclosure. Enabling email notifications will trigger reminders regarding task assignments, status updates, and due dates.