Viewing data in the CRREM Scenario Modeler PowerReport

The IBM® Envizi ESG Suite CRREM Scenario Modeler is a PowerReport that is designed to support CREMM forecasting and estimation. It facilitates the creation and fine tuning of future scenarios, enabling you to assess the effectiveness of planned projects and retrofits across various locations and portfolios within your organization.

Before you begin

Configure ratios and intensity targets.

About this task

For more information about running PowerReports, see the related link.


  1. In the PowerReport user interface, select the scope.
    You can view the PowerReport for either a single location or an entire portfolio. The model generated by the report varies depending on the context that you choose:
    • To choose a portfolio based model, apply the group filters, and then click Property Portfolio Overview.
    • To choose a location based approach, select the desired location in the list and then click View Location.
  2. Configure the scenario.
    To begin forecasting, select either the Emissions or Energy model type, and set up the model variables. Each variable is defined in the following table:
    Table 1. CRREM Scenario Modeler PowerReport model variables and definitions
    Variable Definition
    CRREM Intensity A list of rates/ratios set up in the Envizi platform. Select the ratio that you use to determine your CRREM intensity. New ratios take up to 24 hours to populate to the PowerReport.
    Business As Usual % An optional value to nominate the annual growth in energy or emissions because of regular activities, for example, business growth or an increase in utilization.
    CRREM Intensity Target A list of all targets of the CRREM Intensity Target type in the Envizi platform. New intensity targets take up to 24 hours to populate to the PowerReport. For more information about intensity targets, see the related link.
    Baseline Period The 12 month period used to generate a prediction. Use the latest period with minimal anomalies if possible.
    Prediction Range The period across which a prediction is generated.
  3. Configure programs.
    To refine your scenario, adjust program boundaries to include or exclude certain categories of programs from the prediction. If you want to refine your selections further by controlling the individual programs, click Refine Selection.


Depending on your selections, the report generates one of two models.

The location-based model outlines a distinct pathway of energy or emissions figures for the following scenarios:
  • Actual Emissions/Energy: The actual intensity recorded for the prediction period. No factors or calculations affect this line.
  • BAU Emissions/Energy: Using the baseline period, the line generates a predicted intensity for the prediction period, incremented by the set BAU %.
  • Target Emissions/Energy: The selected intensity target values.
  • Expected Emissions/Energy: Using the baseline period, the line generates a predicted intensity for the prediction period, incremented by the set BAU %. The calculation then applies any program savings affecting the period based on earlier program selections. The resulting line is a prediction of emissions intensity or energy intensity values in the event that all program savings are realized.

The portfolio-based model generates similar model figures for all locations that fall under your portfolio selection, and displays an overview of the figures in tabular format.