Creating groups with locations

Create a classification group or portfolio group with locations as members.

About this task

You can create a new group and add locations as members in a single flow.

The Belongs To field is set to the organization node by default.


  1. From the main menu, click Manage > Groups to open the Groups grid.
  2. Click Create New Group with Memberships.
  3. In the Create New Group with Memberships dialog:
    1. Select the group type. Set to Classification or Portfolio.
    2. In the Part Of field, set the parent node of the group in the organization hierarchy or select NA if the group does not have a parent.
    3. Assign a name to the group.
    4. Add a description for the group.
    5. Add locations to the group.
    6. Set the reporting percentage for the group. If you do not specify a reporting percentage, the default value of 100% is used.
    7. Set effective dates.
  4. Click Save.

What to do next

Verify the group configuration on the Groups grid.