Sending email notifications

A disclosure owner can enable email notifications for changes to assignments, status changes, and for upcoming due dates. The disclosure owner can also send an immediate notification to give assignees and reviewers a summary of the number of questions that are awaiting their action.

About this task

When email notifications are enabled, the following notifications are sent:
  • An email is sent to the assignee, reviewer, or approver, if the question is assigned to them.
  • An email is sent to a user if a response is ready for their action.
  • An email is sent to a disclosure owner for any type of change to a disclosure.
  • Reminders are sent about upcoming due dates for a disclosure.
  • Because lapsed due date emails are more critical than the other notifications, they are sent whether the Include notification checkbox is selected or not. Lapsed due date emails are sent daily from the time that the due date has lapsed until the latest due date of the disclosure as specified in the Disclosure Due by field.

You can also enable notifications when you create a disclosure. For more information, see Creating a disclosure.

When you choose to send an immediate email notification, a summary email is sent to inform users of the number of items that are awaiting their action:
  • An assignee receives a summary email with the number of questions in To do or In progress status.
  • A reviewer receives a summary email with the number of questions that are in Ready for review status.
  • An approver receives a summary email with the number of questions that are in Ready for approval status.
  • If a user has multiple roles, they receive only one summary email that lists those multiple roles. For example, a user who is assigned to respond to a question but is also a reviewer might get the following email:
    You have 2 pending tasks for ESRS Test.
    1 questions need(s) your response by 01 Aug 2024.
    1 responses are ready for your review by 30 Aug 2024.
  • The Notify users button is only visible to a system administrator or a general user who is assigned as the disclosure owner.
  • The total number of questions in the email notification does not include questions that are assigned to the user but are not awaiting action.


Include notifications when the status of a question changes or when assignees change.

  • Edit the disclosure properties to include notifications.
    1. As a disclosure owner, on the Sustainability Reporting Manager home page, find your disclosure and click View.
    2. From the Actions menu, click Set Properties.
    3. Select the Include notification checkbox and click Save.

Send notifications now.

  • Send notifications now about questions that require action.
    1. As a disclosure owner, on the Sustainability Reporting Manager home page, find your disclosure and click View.
    2. From the Actions menu, click Notify Users.
      A notification is set to a user by email, which indicates the number of questions that are awaiting their action.