Tag options

You can review the tags that are associated with accounts and meters and assign tags to accounts and meters.

Group and location-level tags

You can review tags at a location or group level. On a Group or Location Summary dashboard, from the More menu, click Tags.

Managing tags from accounts and meters

In the Accounts or the Meters grid, click The Settings button.and select the Tag and Tag Types columns from the list to show the columns in the grid.

The Tag Types and Tags are displayed as color-coded chips so that you can easily identify the relationship between the Tag Type and the related Tags in the Tag Types in the row.
Figure 1. Grid with color-coded chips
Tag chips displayed on the Accounts grid..

If the Tag chip has an information icon, then it means that the tag is not assigned 100% or that there is a date constraint assigned to the tag.

If the color chip has a border only, then this indicates that at the current date the tag is not active.

Tags preview card

A Tags preview card is visible in the preview panel of the Account or Meters grid. The card displays all of the tags that are applied to the selected account or meter. From the preview panel, click Add to apply a tag to the account or meter by completing the following steps:
  1. Specify whether you are tagging a meter or an account.
  2. Select the tag type and tag.
  3. Set the effective from and effective to dates.
  4. Set the reporting percentage for the tag.
  5. Verify whether tagging the item will result in over-reporting. Over-reporting can occur if more than one tag is added to an item for the same period where the tag reporting percentage exceeds 100%.
    Note: You can have a tag reporting percent of 200 or - 200, if created in a single tag assignment. If you add more than one tag to an item for the same period which exceeds 100, then this will be considered over reporting if the checkbox is ticked.
  6. Click Tag Accounts or Tag Meters.

Review assigned tags

In the Accounts or Meters grid, click Actions > Review Tags. From the grid, review all of the tags that are assigned to the meter or account.