Creating custom charts with the Interval Chart Builder
Use the Interval Chart Builder to create custom charts and to analyze interval meter data.
- Save and share charts
- Compare performance against same period previous month or previous year
- Annotate chart titles and descriptions
- Modify series visualizations such as chart style, for example, column,area, and so on
- Modify series color and opacity
- Modify axis details such as min and max values, legend, units, and how the axis will be displayed
- Arrange the series sequence to ensure that the chart is appropriately layered
- Highlight the periods that contain estimated data
- Select location specific metrics like weather data, schedules and certain meter based attributes
- Extend the measures that can be selected for display
The Interval Chart Builder dashboard is available at the meter, location, and group level. At the meter and location level, you can launch the Interval Chart Builder from the Analyze menu, or, at the group level, from the Benchmark menu. Click Customize to display the Chart Settings dialog where you can customize the interval chart to be displayed.
Series options
On the Select Series tab, define what measures or items are to be charted and the styling of each series.
- Items
- Represent meters that have associated measures or data points. Where there are items from multiple locations, then the location name is included in the series label.
- Components
- Classify items based on the data type, unit of measure and connector used to load the meter data.
- Measures
- The data points that are available across all of the items.
- Data Quality Flag
- Plots an enumerated value for data quality where 0=Actual Data, 1=Estimated Data, and 2=Accrued Data.
- Location Weather
- Provides the weather metrics from the weather station associated with the location and generally includes minimum, maximum and average temperature and humidity.
- Location Schedules
- Show any schedules that are defined for the location.
In the Chart Settings dialog, click Edit on a selected series to customize how the selected series is plotted. A blue dot on the selected series indicates that a configuration change has been applied to the series. You can customize the caption, units, style, color and axis.
X Axis options
- Lowest common interval; when selecting series from multiple items then the interval displayed is the lowest level of resolution of any of the items Example: if one meter has data stored in 30 minute intervals and another meter has data stored in 15 minute intervals then the x axis timeline is in 30 minute increments.
- 15 Minutes, 30 minutes and Hour options force the x axis to the selected option. Note that items that have a longer interval period will have gaps when plotted.
- The Day option enables intra day data to be aggregated to a day.
Note that instantaneous data like kW will use the average operator to determine the value for the day and accumulative values like kWh will use the sum operator to provide the value for the day.