Setting up KPIs

Create KPIs to capture operational performance information, such as production volumes, floor area, and head count. Use the KPIs for intensity analysis to provide context around emissions and energy data.

Before you begin

Create accounts for the measures that you plan to add as KPIs and capture data for these accounts or upload data to these accounts. For more information, see Setting up accounts.

About this task

You must be a system administrator to create KPIs. KPIs are available from the By drop-down lists on dashboards.


  1. From the main menu, click Admin > Set KPIs.
  2. From the Set KPIs grid, click Create new.
  3. On the Create New form, select a measure, such as Electricity [KWh].
  4. Assign a label to the KPI in Caption. The label is displayed in the By drop-down lists of dashboards.
  5. Optional: Add a description.
  6. Optional: Set the order of the KPI. If you define more than one KPI, the order determines the order that KPIs appear in the By drop-down list on dashboards.
  7. Optional: If the KPI is used as an intensity measure, set these values:
    1. Set an intensity ratio to standard or inverse. If standard is selected, the ratio is calculated as expressed. If inverse is selected, the inverse of the ratio is calculated.
    2. Set the scale intensity ratio to scale the reported value.
    3. Set an alternative unit of measure.
  8. Leave the rest of the fields as default and click Save.

    The IBM Envizi team uses the other fields to set up more complex KPIs.