Editing scheduled data capture requests

After you create a schedule for data capture, you can edit the schedule by using the Edit Schedule form.

About this task

The Edit Schedule form is similar to the Request Data Capture form with the following differences:
  • The accounts list is read-only. If you want to add or remove accounts, create a schedule.
  • You cannot change a one-time schedule to recurring.
  • Schedule Start Date is replaced with Next On Date.


  1. Open the Schedule Issues grid. From the main menu, click Monitor > Scheduled Issues.
  2. From the Schedule Issues grid, select an issue, and click Edit Schedule.
  3. In the Edit Schedule form, change the schedule dates or frequency.
  4. To disable a scheduled issue, select an issue in the grid and update its status to Disabled.
  5. To delete a scheduled issue, select an issue in the grid, and click Delete Schedule(s).


When you change a schedule, changes apply to future issues that are created. Existing issues remain unchanged.