Provisioning data services

You can configure a data service as a connection point into the platform or out of the platform. You associate the data service with a data pipeline that specifies how to process the data and to how to connect to the data service.

The following table lists the maximum number of data services available for each category and type of data service. It also lists the entitlements required to use certain services:
Table 1. Maximum limits and prerequisites
Category Data service type Maximum number of data services Prerequisites
File loading Amazon S3 (Cloud Storage) 3 None
File loading Amazon Simple Email (Mailbox) 1 None
File loading Amazon Transfer (SFTP) 2 None
Transformation IBM App Connect (Data ETL) 1
Note: Supports multiple custom connectors
Requires a connector subscription for each App Connect flow.
Transformation NLP service (Data ETL) 1 Requires the Scope 3 GHG Accounting module to use.
Data export Amazon S3 (Cloud Storage) 1 Requires the Data Export AddOn
Data export Amazon Transfer (SFTP) 1 Requires the Data Export AddOn
Integration IBM Planning Analytics (Planning) 1 Requires the Planning Analytics AddOn

When a data service uses an Amazon S3 bucket, you might be required to provide the AWS region when you load data.

The following table lists the Amazon region that is associated with each S3 bucket:
Table 2. AWS bucket regions
Bucket name Amazon Region
envizi-client-dataservice-us-prod us-east-1
envizi-client-dataservice-au-prod ap-southeast-2
envizi-client-dataservice-uk-prod eu-west-2
envizi-client-dataservice-eu-prod eu-central-1
envizi-client-dataservice-me-prod me-central-1