Managing data services

You can disable a data service to stop processing data files or transforming and loading data. You can delete a data service if no data pipeline is connected to it.

Disabling a service

To disable a data service, complete these steps:
  1. As a system administrator, from the main menu, click Admin > Data Flow Automation to open the Data Services grid.
  2. Select a data service, click Action and select Disable Service.
  3. Confirm that you want to disable the service.
The data service is hidden from the grid. To show all services, click Show All Services.
Note: When you disable a data service you stop receiving files. The data service is not disconnected from the associated data pipeline, but the data pipeline stops polling the data service for files. When you disable the App Connect data service, you stop data from being transformed and loaded.

Enabling a service

To enable a data service, complete these steps:
  1. As a system administrator, from the main menu, click Admin > Data Flow Automation to open the Data Services grid.
  2. Select a data service, click Action and select Enable Service.
  3. Confirm that you want to enable the service.
  • When you enable a data service, the service starts to receive files again and the associated data pipeline polls it for new files.
  • When you enable an App Connect data service, the associated data pipelines send and receive files to and from App Connect.
  • You cannot enable a data service that increases the total number of enabled data services to more than the allowed maximum instances per client.

Delete a service

To delete a data service, complete these steps:
  1. As a system administrator, from the main menu, click Admin > Data Flow Automation to open the Data Services grid.
  2. Select a data service, click Action and select Delete Service.
  3. Confirm that you want to delete the service.
Note: You cannot delete a data service that was used to download or transform a file or if the data service is connected to a pipeline. Disable the service instead.