Reviewing ENERGY STAR API transaction logs
System administrators can review all ENERGY STAR API transaction logs for a given location, to assist with any possible data connectivity and data transfer issues between IBM® Envizi ESG Suite and ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager.
A system administrator can use one of the following methods to access the Energy Star
API Transaction Logs page:
- In a Location Summary page, click .
- In the Locations grid, right-click a location and click Energy Star API Transaction Logs .
In the Energy Star API Transaction Logs page, you can review the
following items:
- Original API message call and associated parameter values that were sent to ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager
- Entity type that the API acted on and the associated entity names:
- Location: Location name
- Account: Account number
- Record: Envizi ESG Suite record ID followed by ENERGY STAR
Portfolio Manager
property use detail attribute name, for example,
- Location Rating: A constructed identifier based on ENERGY
STAR rating start
period and end period, for example,
EnergyStar - Apr 01, 2022 to Mar 31, 2023
- External - Energy Star: Property ID or meter ID from ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager
- Received API message responses from ENERGY STAR
Portfolio Manager, that contain success or failure
flags, and reasons for API call failures if any. A message with a status of
usually indicates that the request was successful. - Timestamps of when API calls were made and responses received
Downloading API logs as a CSV file
In the Energy Star API Transaction Logs grid, the Message Request and Message Response columns might contain a large amount of content that exceeds the column width in the grid and can be viewed only by hovering and displaying a tool tip. To review all log content more quickly and easily, download the grid into a CSV file and then review the content in a spreadsheet tool.