Attributing costs to meter data

Rates and charges can be attributed to meter data to estimate the cost associated with consuming metered utilities such as electricity, water, gas, thermal steam, and so on.


  1. In IBM® Envizi ESG Suite, click Admin > Charges.
    The Monetization Charges page is displayed that contains a grid of existing charges.
  2. To create a set of charges, click Create New.
    When creating a set of charges, first you will be ask to capture contextual information, for example provide a name for the charges, and whether the charges will apply across the whole organization or a single location, the date periods the charges relate to, and the relevant utility. If you select the whole organization, the charges will apply to all meters within your organization for the effected period captured, with the expectation of any location charges that have been configured.

    If you select the location option in the scope field, you must specify what location you want to associate the rates to.

  3. After you have created your charges definition, to define the different charges and rates that will be applied, display the preview panel.
  4. In the Charge Rates section, click ADD to add a charge and rate.
  5. In the Add dialog, enter the details for the charge and rate to be added.
    Draft comment:
    Typo in the dialog, missing space in SAVERATE button.