Setting a password policy

Create a password policy for your organization in IBM® Envizi ESG Suite. Define rules such as the minimum length of a password and the number of retry attempts allowed.

About this task

When you create a password policy, consider the following guidance:
  • Longer passwords are more secure.
  • Password should be a mix of uppercase, lowercase, numbers, and symbols.
  • Password should be different from the passwords you use to log in to other accounts, for example, your email or bank account.
  • Use a password manager to generate long or random passwords.
  • Do not use common dictionary words or phrases. Be creative and thoughtful with your password choice - it adds an additional layer of security to your account.
  • Your password should not include your email, phone number, or birthday.
  • Avoid common words, like “Password”.

By default, system rules are set for passwords, which define:

  • The minimum length of a password.
  • The type of characters allowed.
  • The number of incorrect password attempts that are allowed.
  • The expiry period of passwords.
Note: Passwords by default have a maximum length of 20 characters.

When you create a user login, the user is asked to reset their password when the user first logs in.


  1. From the main menu, go to Admin > Password Policies.
  2. From Select Password Management Regime, select Custom Requirements.
  3. Optional: Set an expiry period.
  4. Optional: Set the minimum length of a password.
  5. Optional: Set the type of characters that are accepted.
  6. Optional: Set the number of incorrect password attempts allowed before a password must be reset.
  7. If you want to automatically send reminders to users when their passwords are due to expire, from Send reminder emails to users when their passwords are due to expire? select Yes. Users will receive an email 7 days and 1 day before their password is due to expire.
  8. Click Save.

What to do next

When you receive a notification email that your password is due to expire, click Reset your password to set a new password.