Setting dashboard and reporting preferences

A system administrator can configure preferences for reports and dashboards for the organization in IBM® Envizi ESG Suite.

About this task

Organization preferences determine how data is presented in reports and on dashboards. Preferences are grouped into:
  • Financial reporting
  • Units of measure
  • Units of measure for utilities
  • Dashboards
  • Reports
Note: Updating reporting units on the Reporting and Dashboard Preferences tab impacts all PowerReports.


  1. As a system administrator, from the main menu, click Admin > Organization Preferences.
  2. In the General Preferences section, click the Reporting and Dashboard Preferences tab.
  3. In the financial reporting section, set the following financial reporting options:
    • A baseline year to include in your Performance dashboards. Select the baseline year and the last month of the baseline year.
    • If your organization operates in multiple currencies, select the default currency to use in reports and dashboards. For more information, see Setting an exchange rate policy. To set your exchange rate method (single or historical), in the General Preferences, click Advanced Preferences.
  4. In the units of measure section, set default measures for the following items:
    • Emissions
    • Area
    • Length
    • Mass
    • Volume
    • Temperature
  5. In the units of measure for utilities section, set default measures for electricity, natural gas and water consumption reporting in gadgets.
    If you do not set a measure, default units are used; these are kWh, GJ and m3 respectively.
  6. In the dashboard preferences section, set the following dashboard options:
    1. Default summary measure on Summary pages. Options are Emissions or Energy.
    2. Default measure for the View As list on dashboards.
    3. The maximum period that can be viewed in a dashboard, such as 2 years.
    4. The default month that is used as the end month of the timeline period.
  7. In the Reporting preferences section, if your organization has specific requirements about the size of attachments that are sent by email, set the maximum file size of an attachment in MB.
  8. If your organization has specific customization requirements for data in the monthly dataset, which underpins PowerReports, in the General Preferences section, click Advanced Preferences. Configure the option to include generic tag types in the monthly dataset.
    • It can take a 24-hour waiting period before the change takes effect in the monthly dataset. Changes occur in an overnight refresh.
    • Including tagged data in the monthly dataset increases the number of monthly data records in the dataset. If you previously saved any Power Report that was built by using the monthly dataset, you must revisit the saved copies of the reports and apply an appropriate Tag Type filter to avoid over reporting, for example, by filtering only on Tag Type = “Consolidation”.
    For more information, see Monthly dataset.
  9. If your organization uses the weather normalization (expected values) feature, you must set parameters required for the calculation of those values. In the Regression Analysis Settings section, click Regression Analysis Preferences. For more information, see Regression analysis.
  10. Click Save.