Sandbox environment
The sandbox environment is a stand-alone instance of IBM® ESG Suite that clients can use for internal testing without impacting their primary reporting environment.
- Supply Chain Intelligence.
- The Energy Star and GRESB API integration, which is part of the Building Ratings and Benchmarks.
- Single-Sign-On AddOn. Authentication to the sandbox environment is restricted to basic authentication only.
- Planning Analytics AddOn.
Specific changes are made to the sandbox environment to differentiate it from the production environment, such as prominent changes to branding, and prefixes added to reference identifiers such as account numbers and usernames.
The sandbox environment is initialized with the settings, preferences, and configuration from the production environment, including a client-nominated period of historical data, which is up to a maximum of five (5) years for account data and two (2) years for meter data.
The sandbox environment does not dynamically synchronise with the production environment. Clients may request a refresh of the sandbox environment by contacting the IBM Envizi support team, which removes the current environment and transfers a copy of the current production environment into the sandbox environment. The refresh can only be requested one time per calendar quarter.
- Data Flow Automation services and pipelines
- Custom PowerReports
- Scheduled Reports