Sustainability (Portfolio Performance) report

The Sustainability (Portfolio Performance) report is a PowerReport that provides information on key sustainability indicators across your property portfolio.

About this task

The Sustainability (Portfolio Performance) report is part of the Scope 1 & 2 GHG Accounting module.

The sustainability indicators include:
  • Emissions
  • Electricity
  • Gas
  • Waste
  • Water

3 mins


  1. In the global search field on the home page, select Reports and enter Sustainability (Portfolio Performance).
  2. Select the reporting period. Click Reporting Period and select a calendar period, rolling period, financial period, or a quarter.
  3. Click Open Property Portfolio to run a report for your portfolio level.
  4. Click an indicator to update the graph to compare the indicator across months with the baseline period.
  5. View a league table of properties in your portfolio based on their performance on the selected indicator.
  6. Review the health of the data to review the completeness of the data.
  7. Click View Portfolio to drill into the indicator in more detail. For example, review detailed consumption, cost, and emissions data for the portfolio.
  8. Click Back to turn to the cover page for the portfolio.
  9. Click Drillthrough on selected property to see the sustainability indicators of an individual property. For example, review emission levels for the property broken down by scope level.
  10. If you select a utility as an indicator, review account information for that utility on the dashboard.