Contacting support for issues with Weather APIs

To report problems with Weather APIs, such as the History on Demand (HoD) API or services, open a support ticket to get help from the Environmental Intelligence Suite support team.

Before you begin

To determine whether to contact IBM® Support, check the appropriate response based on the error code that you received:
Error 400. Bad request.
Review the structure of the input query.
Error 401. Unauthorized.
The request sent by the client to the server lacks valid authentication credentials, such as an invalid or bad API Key. Verify the authentication details and try again.
Error 403. Forbidden.
The client does not have access rights to the content because the client is unauthorized, so the server is refusing to give the requested resource. Unlike 401 Unauthorized, the client's identity is known to the server.
Error 429. Too many requests.
The user sent too many requests in a specific amount of time so that the rate limits are exceeded. HoD Archive is an asynchronous API that works on your data retrieval jobs in the background. The HoD Archive is designed to limit the number of jobs any one client can have concurrently running to 5. Check the retryAfter header in the response to see you how many seconds to wait before you try to submit another job
Error 500. Internal server error.
Contact support and provide the information that is outlined in this task.
Error 503. Internal server error.

If any backend server shows a 5xx message, or if Akamai tried all listed backends and cannot get a correct response from any backend, the response is a 503 Service unavailable error.

Contact support and provide the information that is outlined in this task.

If you need to contact IBM support, follow this guidance:
  • To access the Customer Support Portal (CSP) and open a case, a contact must be registered in the portal.
  • This contact must be associated with an API key that the IBM Environmental Intelligence Suite onboarding team issued.
  • You must know the Custom Master Record (CMR) number that is associated with your service provider contract.


  1. To contact Environmental Intelligence Suite Support, go to the Customer Support Portal.
  2. Create a Salesforce case and provide the following information:
    1. The category.
    2. The first 5 digits of your API Key.
    3. A subject.
    4. A description.
    5. The severity.
    6. The error message and code.
    7. Optional: Any screen capture that you might have.
  3. Submit the case.