Intraday Forecast (3 Day, 5 Day, 7 Day, 10 Day)


  • Domain Portfolio: Forecast
  • Domain: Forecasts
  • Usage Classification: Standard
  • Geography: Global
  • Attribution Required: NO
  • Attribution Requirements: N/A

The Intraday Forecast API is sourced from the The Weather Company Forecast system. This TWC API returns weather forecasts in 6-hour periods starting current day. The 6-hour periods are Morning, Afternoon, Evening, and Overnight. Your content licensing agreement with TWC determines the number of days returned in the API response and is constrained by the API Key that is provided to your company.

HTTP Headers and Data Lifetime - Caching and Expiration

For details on appropriate header values as well as caching and expiration definitions, see The Weather Company Data | API Common Usage Guide.

Understanding Intraday Forecasts

The Intraday Forecast product breaks down the days forecasts into (four) 6-hour segments for each of the included days.

Intraday Segment Intraday Segment Name Reference Description
1 Morning 7 AM - 1 PM Local Apparent Time; the midpoint defined as 10 AM.
2 Afternoon 1 PM - 7 PM Local Apparent Time; the midpoint defined as 4 PM.
3 Evening 7 PM - 1 AM Local Apparent Time; the midpoint defined as 10 PM.
4 Overnight 1 AM - 7 AM Local Apparent Time; the midpoint defined as 4 AM.

Translated Fields:

This TWC API handles the translation of phrases. However, when formatting a request URL a valid language must be passed along (see the language code table for the supported codes).

  • daypart_name
  • dow
  • phrase32_char
  • wdir_cardinal

Unit of Measure Requirement

The unit of measure for the response. The following values are supported:
  • e = English units
  • m = Metric units
  • h = Hybrid units (UK)
Aggregate Product Names





URL Construction

Request by Geocode (Latitude & Longitude): Required Parameters: language, format, units, geocode, postal code apiKey=yourApiKey

Request by Postal Code: Required Parameters: language, format, units, geocode, postal code apiKey=yourApiKey

The Postal Code has a TWC proprietary location type (4) with the following format: location/<postal code>:<location type>:<country code>;units=e&amp;apiKey=yourApiKey

Data Elements & Definitions

Note: Field names are sorted alphabetically in the table below for presentation purposes. The table below does not represent the sort order of the API response.

Field Name Description Type Range Sample Nulls Allowed
class Data identifier string fod_long_range_intraday   N
clds 6-hour average cloud cover expressed as a percentage. integer 0 to 100 82 N
daypart_name The name for the 6-hour period of the day. string





Morning N
dow Day of week string Thursday   N
expire_time_gmt Expiration time in UNIX seconds epoch 1369252800   N
fcst_valid Time forecast is valid in UNIX seconds epoch 1369306800   N
fcst_valid_local Time forecast is valid in local apparent time. ISO 2013-08-06T07:00:00-0400   N
icon_code This number is the key to the weather icon lookup. The data field shows the icon number that is matched to represent the observed weather conditions. Please refer to the Forecast Icon Code, Weather Phrases and Images document. integer 26   N
icon_extd Code representing explicit full set sensible weather. Please refer to the Forecast Icon Code, Weather Phrases and Images document. integer 5500   N
num This data field is the sequential number that identifies each of the forecasted days in the API. They start on day 1, which is the forecast for the current day. Then the forecast for tomorrow uses number 2, then number 3 for the day after tomorrow, and so forth. Integer 1 - 15 1 N
phrase_12char 6-hour sensible weather phrase string Cloudy   N
phrase_22char 6-hour sensible weather phrase string Cloudy   N

6-hour sensible weather phrase

Note: The character limit applies to English phrases only. For other languages this phrase may exceed 32 characters.

string Fog Late   N
pop Daytime maximum probability of precipitation. integer 20   N
precip_type The short text describing the expected type accumulation associated with the Probability of Precipitation (POP) display for the hour. string rain,snow, precip rain N
qualifier A qualifier sensible weather extension for the 6-hour period. string Winds could occasionally gust over 70 mph.   Y
qualifier_code 6-hour sensible weather qualifier code. string Q9015   Y
rh The relative humidity of the air, which is defined as the ratio of the amount of water vapor in the air to the amount of vapor required to bring the air to saturation at a constant temperature. Relative humidity is always expressed as a percentage. integer 0 to 100 83 N
subphrase_pt1 Part 1 of 3-part daypart sensible weather phrase string Cloudy   N
subphrase_pt2 Part 2 of 3-part daypart sensible weather phrase string Late   N
subphrase_pt3 Part 3 of 3-part daypart sensible weather phrase string Thunder   N
temp The temperature of the air, measured by a thermometer 1.5 meters (4.5 feet) above the ground that is shaded from the other elements. You will receive this data field in Fahrenheit degrees or Celsius degrees. integer -140 to 140 (F) 68 N
wdir 6-hour average wind direction in magnetic notation. integer 0 to 359 145 N
wdir_cardinal 6-hour average wind direction in cardinal notation. string N , NNE , NE, ENE, E, ESE, SE, SSE, S, SSW, SW, WSW, W, WNW, NW, NNW SE N

The maximum forecasted 6-hour wind speed.

The wind is treated as a vector; hence, winds must have direction and magnitude (speed). The wind information reported in the hourly current conditions corresponds to a 10-minute average called the sustained wind speed. Sudden or brief variations in the wind speed are known as “wind gusts” and are reported in a separate data field.

Wind directions are always expressed as "from whence the wind blows" meaning that a North wind blows from North to South. If you face North in a North wind the wind is at your face. Face southward and the North wind is at your back.

integer 5   N

JSON Sample

   "metadata": {
     "language": "en-US",
     "transaction_id": "1471548007907:1671560253",
     "version": "1",
     "latitude": 34.06,
     "longitude": -84.21,
     "units": "e",
     "expire_time_gmt": 1471548260,
     "status_code": 200
  "forecasts": [
       "class": "fod_long_range_intraday",
       "expire_time_gmt": 1471548260,
       "fcst_valid": 1471539600,
       "fcst_valid_local": "2016-08-18T13:00:00-0400",
       "num": 1,
       "temp": 90,
       "pop": 24,
       "icon_extd": 3000,
       "icon_code": 30,
       "dow": "Thursday",
       "daypart_name": "Afternoon",
       "phrase_12char": "P Cloudy",
       "phrase_22char": "Partly Cloudy",
       "phrase_32char": "Partly Cloudy",
       "subphrase_pt1": "Partly",
       "subphrase_pt2": "Cloudy",
       "subphrase_pt3": "",
       "precip_type": "rain",
       "rh: 50,
       "wspd": 6,
       "wdir": 274,
       "wdir_cardinal": "W",
       "clds": 62,
       "qualifier_code": null,
       "qualifier": "A stray shower or thunderstorm is possible."
       "class": "fod_long_range_intraday",
       "expire_time_gmt": 1471548260,
       "fcst_valid": 1471561200,
       "fcst_valid_local": "2016-08-18T19:00:00-0400",
       "num": 2,
       "temp": 79,
       "pop": 53,
       "icon_extd": 3809,
       "icon_code": 47,
       "dow": "Thursday",
       "daypart_name": "Evening",
       "phrase_12char": "Sct T-Storms",
       "phrase_22char": "Sct Thunderstorms",
       "phrase_32char": "Scattered Thunderstorms",
       "subphrase_pt1": "Scattered",
       "subphrase_pt2": "T-Storms",
       "subphrase_pt3": "",
       "precip_type": "rain",
       "rh": 77,
       "wspd": 6,
       "wdir": 281,
       "wdir_cardinal": "W",
       "clds": 75,
       "qualifier_code": null,
       "qualifier": null
       "class": "fod_long_range_intraday",
       "expire_time_gmt": 1471548260,
       "fcst_valid": 1471582800,
       "fcst_valid_local": "2016-08-19T01:00:00-0400",
       "num": 3,
       "temp": 74,
       "pop": 15,
       "icon_extd": 2900,
       "icon_code": 29,
       "dow": "Friday",
       "daypart_name": "Overnight",
       "phrase_12char": "P Cloudy",
       "phrase_22char": "Partly Cloudy",
       "phrase_32char": "Partly Cloudy",
       "subphrase_pt1": "Partly",
       "subphrase_pt2": "Cloudy",
       "subphrase_pt3": "",
       "precip_type": "rain",
       "rh": 92,
       "wspd": 2,
       "wdir": 291,
       "wdir_cardinal": "WNW",
       "clds": 57,
       "qualifier_code": null,
       "qualifier": "A stray shower or thunderstorm is possible."
       "class": "fod_long_range_intraday",
       "expire_time_gmt": 1471548260,
       "fcst_valid": 1471604400,
       "fcst_valid_local": "2016-08-19T07:00:00-0400",
       "num": 4,
       "temp": 78,
       "pop": 43,
       "icon_extd": 3800,
       "icon_code": 38,
       "dow": "Friday",
       "daypart_name": "Morning",
       "phrase_12char": "Sct T-Storms",
       "phrase_22char": "Sct Thunderstorms",
       "phrase_32char": "Scattered Thunderstorms",
       "subphrase_pt1": "Scattered",
       "subphrase_pt2": "T-Storms",
       "subphrase_pt3": "",
       "precip_type": "rain",
       "rh": 80,
       "wspd": 4,
       "wdir": 279,
       "wdir_cardinal": "W",
       "clds": 52,
       "qualifier_code": null,
       "qualifier": null
//This API will repeat additional times per response ** Collapsed for presentation purposes  
  {}, // - Response Repeats for Day 2  
  {}, // - Response Repeats for Day 3…  