Tropical Models Storms


  • Domain Portfolio: Tropical
  • Domain: Models
  • Usage Classification: Standard
  • Geography: Global
  • Attribution Required: NO
  • Attribution Requirements: N/A

Returns a list of storms that are being actively modeled.

HTTP Headers and Data Lifetime - Caching and Expiration

For details on appropriate header values as well as caching and expiration definitions, please see The Weather Company Data | API Common Usage Guide.

URL Construction

Request by basin: Required Parameters:basin, format, apiKey<basin>&format=json&apiKey=yourApiKey

Valid Parameters

The valid parameter values listed below are unique to this API and are cases sensitive. These parameters support the ability to ‘filter’ the request by the supported basin.

Parameter: basin

Valid Parameter Value Description
AL Atlantic Ocean
CP Central Pacific
EP Eastern Pacific Ocean
all Data returned for all supported basins (listed below).

Nautical Parameter

If nautical=true, then any measurement that could be represented as knots is, regardless of the units parameter. Anything that is not subject to nautical form is left in the requested units (which is why you see pressures switch back and forth with units even when nautical=true)

units=e&nautical=true will give pressures in inches-of-mercury and speeds in knots

units=m&nautical=true will give pressures in millibars and speeds in knots

units=e&nautical=false will give pressures in inches-of-mercury and speeds in mph

units=m&nautical=false will give pressures in millibars and speeds in kph

Data Elements & Definitions

Note: Field names are sorted alphabetically in the table below for presentation purposes. The table below does not represent the sort order of the API response.

Field Name Description Type Range Sample Nulls Allowed
basin Basin identifier [string] AL, CP, EP ["EP"] No
expireTimeUTC Suggested removal time, 14 hours past the ingestion time. [epoch]   [1421175600] No
lastModelTimeUTC Time that the last model was run. [epoch]   [1421175600] No
linkedStormId The associated Storm ID assigned to the storm identified from the model. [string]   ["EP012017"] Yes
processTimeUTC Time that the bulletin was processed. [epoch]   [2471984402] No
source Issuing Agency [string] NHC, other valid sources. ["NHC"] No
stormId The Storm ID of this storm. [string]   ["EP902017"] No

JSON Sample

// Response Collapsed for Presentation Purposes


basin:["CP", "CP", "CP", "CP", "CP", "CP", "CP", "CP", "CP", "CP", "CP", "CP", "CP", "CP", "CP", "CP", "CP",…],,

expireTimeUTC:[1489161600, 1489161600, 1489161600, 1489161600, 1489161600, 1489161600, 1489161600, 1489161600,…],

lastModelTimeUTC:[1489111200, 1489111200, 1489111200, 1489111200, 1489111200, 1489111200, 1489111200, 1489111200,…],

linkedStormId:["CP302017", null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null,…],

processTimeUTC:[1488986792, 1488986795, 1488986798, 1488986802, 1488986805, 1488986809, 1488986812, 1488986816,…],

source:["NHC", "NHC", "NHC", "NHC", "NHC", "NHC", "NHC", "NHC", "NHC", "NHC", "NHC", "NHC", "NHC", "NHC",…],

stormId:["CP102017", "CP112017", "CP122017", "CP132017", "CP142017", "CP152017", "CP162017", "CP172017",…]
