PWS Daily Summary - 7 Day History


  • Domain Portfolio: Observations
  • Domain: Historical
  • Geography: Global
  • Attribution Required: NO
  • Attribution Requirements: N/A

Personal Weather Station (PWS) Daily Summary Historical Observations returns the daily summary of daily observations for each day's observations report.

HTTP Headers and Data Lifetime - Caching and Expiration

For details on appropriate header values as well as caching and expiration definitions, please see The Weather Company Data | API Common Usage Guide.

Unit of Measure Requirement

The unit of measure for the response. The following values are supported:
  • e = English units
  • m = Metric units
  • h = Hybrid units (UK)

URL Construction

Request by Geocode (Latitude & Longitude): Required Parameters: format, units, stationId, apiKey | Optional Parameter: numericPrecision

Valid Parameter Definitions

Parameter Name Valid Parameter Value Description
numericPrecision decimal Optional parameter. Set to ‘decimal’ to ensure data is returned in decimal format when needed. Will return integers if this value is not used.

Data Elements & Definitions

Note: Field names are sorted alphabetically in the table below for presentation purposes. The table below does not represent the sort order of the API response.

Field Name Description Type Range Sample Nulls Allowed
humidityAvg Average Humidity of the period integer/decimal 32   Y
humidityHigh Highest Humidity of the period integer/decimal 32   Y
humidityLow Lowest Humidity of the period integer/decimal 32   Y
lat Latitude of PWS decimal Any valid latitude value. -90 to 90 29.8972 Y
lon Longitude of PWS decimal Any valid longitude value. -180 to 180 -97.9362 Y
obsTimeLocal Time observation is valid in local apparent time by timezone ISO YYYYY-MM-dd HH:mm:ss 2016-09-27 00:59:39 Y
obsTimeUtc GMT(UTC) time ISO ISO 8601 - yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssZZ 2016-09-27T06:59:39Z Y
solarRadiationHigh Highest Solar Radiation of the period integer/decimal 947   Y
stationID ID as registered by string KAZTUCSO539   N
tz Time zone of PWS string America/Chicago   Y
uvHigh Highest UV Index of the period integer/decimal 2   Y
winddirAvg Wind direction average of the period integer/decimal 170   Y





Object containing fields that use a defined unit of measure. The object label is dependent on the units parameter assigned in the request.

"imperial", "metric", "metric_si", "uk_hybrid"

object imperial: {.....}   N
dewptAvg Average dew point of the period integer/decimal

-80 to 100 (°F) or

-62 to 37 (°C)

43.0 Y
dewptHigh Maximum dew point of the period integer/decimal

-80 to 100 (°F) or

-62 to 37 (°C)

43.0 Y
dewptLow Minimum dew point of the period integer/decimal

-80 to 100 (°F) or

-62 to 37 (°C)

43.0 Y
heatindexAvg Heat index average of the period integer/decimal 68.2   Y
heatindexHigh Heat index high temperature of the period integer/decimal 71.8   Y
heatindexLow Heat index low temperature of the period integer/decimal 61.7   Y
precipRate Rate of precipitation - instantaneous precipitation rate. How much rain would fall if the precipitation intensity did not change for one hour integer/decimal 0.03   Y
precipTotal Accumulated Rain for the day in defined unit of measure integer/decimal 0.03   Y
pressureMax Highest Barometric pressure in defined unit of measure of the period integer/decimal 30.12   Y
pressureMin Lowest Barometric pressure in defined unit of measure of the period integer/decimal 0.01   Y
pressureTrend Pressure tendency over the preceding period integer/decimal 28.09   Y
tempAvg Temperature average of the period integer/decimal 72.7   Y
tempHigh High Temperature of the period integer/decimal 87.3   Y
tempLow Low Temperature of the period integer/decimal 63.7   Y
windchillAvg Windchill average of the period integer/decimal 32   Y
windchillHigh High Windchill temperature of the period integer/decimal 45   Y
windchillLow Low Windchill temperature of the period integer/decimal 35   Y
windgustAvg Wind gust average of the period integer/decimal 54   Y
windgustHigh Highest Wind gust of the period integer/decimal 56   Y
windgustLow Lowest Wind gust of the period integer/decimal 43   Y
windspeedAvg Wind speed average of the period integer/decimal 3   Y
windspeedHigh Highest Wind speed of the period integer/decimal 5   Y
windspeedLow Lowest Wind speed of the period integer/decimal 1   Y
epoch Time in UNIX seconds epoch 1369252800   Y

JSON Sample

  "summaries": [
    "stationID": "KMAHANOV10",
    "tz": "America/New_York",
    "obsTimeUtc": "2016-09-28T03:59:54Z",
    "obsTimeLocal": "2016-09-27 23:59:54",
    "epoch": 1475035194,
    "lat": 42.09263229,
    "lon": -70.86485291,
    "solarRadiationHigh": null,
    "uvHigh": null,
    "winddirAvg": 0,
    "humidityHigh": 97,
    "humidityLow": 77,
    "humidityAvg": 88,
    "metric": {
    "tempHigh": 21,
    "tempLow": 11,
    "tempAvg": 17,
    "windspeedHigh": 0,
    "windspeedLow": 0,
    "windspeedAvg": 0,
    "windgustHigh": 0,
    "windgustLow": 0,
    "windgustAvg": 0,
    "dewptHigh": 18,
    "dewptLow": 9,
    "dewptAvg": 14,    
    "windchillHigh": null,
    "windchillLow": null,
    "windchillAvg": null,
    "heatindexHigh": 21,
    "heatindexLow": 12,
    "heatindexAvg": 17,
    "pressureMax": null,
    "pressureMin": null,
    "pressureTrend": null,
    "precipRate": 0,
    "precipTotal": 10.41