Manage Customer Numbers

The applications within Entitled Systems Support require that users obtain authorization from a person who is an employee of the company that is entitled to the software.

ESS user grants

In ESS there are two types of authorities:

Application authorities are specific to each application, and provide a way to grant access to some portions of the application, but limit access to the most critical parts of it. For example, the administrator can set up the authorities for three users as follows:

  1. Two users can view electronic Proof of Entitlement (ePoE), but not transfer electronic Proof of Entitlement.

  2. One user can view electronic Proof of Entitlement (ePoE), and can transfer electronic Proof of Entitlement.

The administrator can grant a different level of authority to each person, and grant access to some applications but not to other applications.

Special authorities include primary contact and administrator authority:

  • Primary Contact is the user who is the main point of contact with IBM for communications about the applications within Entitled Systems Support. Only one person (user ID) can be designated as the primary contact. This user has administrator authority by default. After a primary contact is set, no other users can register customer numbers and automatically become administrators.

  • Administrator authority allows the user to manage the authorizations for the customer number and activate the BP-block (refer to Distributor inventory access model). Each customer number can have multiple administrators.

For security and privacy reasons, ESS doesn't provide contact names about the administrators. Reach out to ESS Support for more information.

How to manage user IDs

Each administrator has the same ability as another administrator to manage the authorizations, including the ability to manage who the primary contact is (make sure that the appropriate person has this role).

In order to administer user IDs, do the following steps:

  1. Click the Profile icon on upper right part of the page.
  2. Click Manage Customer Numbers option.
  3. Use the Actions menu on your customer number row and select Manage authorizations to see its details.

If you need to authorize a user to a customer number:

  1. Select Authorize another user ID and type in the IBMid of the user you want to authorize.
  2. Click on the Continue button.
  3. Select the authorities that you want to grant the user ID, and click either the button to Update or Remove user ID.

If you need to edit a user's authority of a customer number:

  1. Select Edit user authority and choose the IBMid of the user you want to edit authorization from the list.
  2. Click on the Continue button.
  3. Select the authorities that you want to grant the user ID, and click either the button to Update or Remove user ID.

How to add nicknames to machines

The administrator functions also provide the ability to specify a nickname for each system. In order to do that, do the following steps:

  1. Click the Profile icon on top-right part of the page.
  2. Click Manage Customer Numbers option.
  3. Select either Show all customer numbers or Show only this customer number, and click the Continue button.
  4. Select the customer number that you want to manage, and click the Edit nicknames button.
  5. Enter the nickname next to the machine type and serial number, and click the Update nicknames button.

Requesting more authorizations to a customer number administrator

In order to request additional authorizations, you need to open the View My Authorizations application, select the action to view authorizations for a particular customer number and click the link "Contact admin or request additional access" at the bottom of the page.

Related topics:

Register Customer Numbers

View my authorizations