Power Enterprise Pools 2.0 - Monthly Billing
If you are thinking about having a Power Enterprise Pool 2.0, first the EP20 feature code needs to be purchased as part of HW Box Order or MES order. The ordering and activation can be done by the IBM Seller direct sale or through Business Partner.
The monthly billing feature can be found at My Entitled Hardware > Power Enterprise Pools application.
In order to generate a pool ID, you need to have the customer number for your Power system registered in your profile inside ESS. In case you have no customer number that is registered, you are provided with the registration option directly on the screen under the empty table.
In order to see your pools, select a customer number from the list and you are provided with all your Power Enterprise Pools 1.0 and 2.0 with Customer details and Enterprise information. After you have all your pools that are displayed, you can decide what action you need to do.
Generate a new pool ID
In order to start new Power Enterprise Pool 2.0 on Cloud Management Console (where you manage your PEP 2.0):
- Create a pool ID in ESS by clicking the Generate a new Pool ID button
- Select usage type Monthly Billing option
- Select an eligible machine
- Review displayed information and confirm to generate pool ID
- Once your pool ID is created, you need to set up your Cloud Management Console (CMC) to connect the pool to your CMC. In case you do not have your CMC set up yet, you can request it by using Request CMC activation form.
CMC is the tool to manage all activities that are related to your pool after its pool ID is generated in ESS.
Additional information for your pools
Servers overview
- A list of all servers that are supported in Power Enterprise Pools 2.0 and Power Enterprise Pool 1.0
Credit and usage orders
- All the credits you have added to this pool or consumed in Monthly Billing.
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