
In the following list, you can find some known issues in ESS.

1311: Validation Error

If you were redirected here from login, we are currently unable to process your request.

Please, try to login again in the following business day and if the problem persists for more than 24 hours, contact ESS support.

Ad-blocker plug-in

If you are not seeing certain information inside ESS and have an ad-blocker plug-in that is installed in your browser, make sure to disable it while you use ESS tool, or some data can be omitted.

Download Director issues

In case you're facing Download Director issues while trying to download software, you can try to check:

  • Your Java version is older than Java 8u261 from July 14, 2020 - which means that it might be missing all the TLS support and the SSL certificates that are needed for Download Director to properly work
  • Check your firewall setup to see whether it might be blocking external requests
  • Couple more items to check in the Software Downloads application information